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Mika activated her superpowers and Jose was sent flying into the wall. He was left unconscious. The scream was so loud that it woke up Mika's Mom and Miles.

Angela: What the hell was that Mika?

Mika: Did Dad wake up?

Angela: Mika, Your dad can sleep through a storm.

Miles: What happened?

Mika turned on the light and saw Jose on the ground not moving.

Angela: Is he..

Mika went closer to him and checked if he was breathing.

Mika: Thank God, He's okay.

Miles: What was he doing in your room?

Mika: I don't know, I just woke up and I felt something touch me. I don't know what he was so eager to say that it couldn't wait until morning.

Miles: If he wakes up..

Mika: You mean when he wakes up

Miles: When he wakes up he will figure out that you are shoutout.

Mika: I know but we can't let that happen.

Miles: We need to act like non of this happened, Okay?

Mika: Okay

Angela: Are you guys crazy?

Mika: No mom, He is going to think he is crazy. Okay?

Angela: Okay

Miles: We have to carry him back to the room and put him on the floor.

Mika: In the morning we can say he fell.

Angela: Okay, but I'm not carrying him. Good night.

Miles: Mom, you have to help us.

Angela: Okay, Fine

They carried him back to the room and placed him on the floor.

The next morning

Jose woke up on the ground feeling like someone hit him in his head. He remembered that he was going to Mika's room and when he woke her up she screamed.

Jose: She's..... Shoutout

They called Jose for breakfast and acted like nothing happened.

Mika: Good morning Jose

Miles: How was your sleep?

Jose: Stop the small talk I know you are shoutout.

Angela, Herman, Miles and Mika started to laugh. Mika was very nervous.

Mika: Me? Being shoutout, Whaaaatt. That is crazy.

Jose: I know when your lying Mika

Mika: I'm not lying, I just found it funny that you thought I would be shoutout.

Jose: I came to your room last night and I was trying to wake you up and then you screamed at me.

Miles: I didn't hear any screaming

Herman: Me either

Miles: Are you sure you are okay Jose? What your saying sounds crazy. We would definitely know if my sister was shoutout, She tells us everything.

Jose: but I..maybe I was dreaming or something.

Mika: You were definitely dreaming.

Angela: Will you be leaving today?

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