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Bose:... You don't trust me?


Bose: Could you give us a minute guys?

Miles: No, whatever you have to say you can say it in front of us.

Chapa: Sure, let's go to Hip Hope Puree Miles

Miles: Ok, Let's go


Bose: Why don't you trust me Mika?

Mika: Because I can't

Bose: I trust you with my life Mika, Even thought the vice mayor is doing this and my mom is okay with it doesn't mean I can't be trusted.

Mika: Me trusting you isn't important right now. We have to see if we can help Ray, Ok?

Bose: Ok

Mika: Shoot


Mika: I have to go home and see my parents...but Miles is gone to Hip Hop Puree with Chapa.

Bose: Do you want me to walk you home?

Mika: .....Yea

Bose: Ok let's go


Bose: So are you feeling any better

Mika: Slightly

Bose: Are you okay?

Mika: I'm fine

Bose:.. How is your day going?

Mika: Fine

Bose: uh...

Bose POV: I was trying to make a conversation so we could talk about someone while walking, but Mika wasn't really interested in what I was asking or saying. She barely answered me.

Bose: Do you have a Boyfriend or someone you are interested in?

Mika stopped walking and stared at Bose and then continued walking.

Bose: You didn't answer the question.

Mika: I don't have a boyfriend, I'm sure you know that.

Bose: How would I know?

Mika: I would set boundaries with you and... I wouldn't allow you to try and push me against the wall again for the 3rd time. I would stop seeing you often so I'm sure when I get a boyfriend you will know

Bose: I will definitely know because it will be me right?

Mika: I don't know Bose, I really don't

Bose: but...

Mika: is that Jose?!

Bose: The guy that you were staring at in the cafeteria at regular school?

Mika: The second boy that I was staring at. Not the squeaky voice one.

Jose: Hey baby

Mika rushed towards Jose and hugged him.

Mika: Hi Jose, what are you doing waiting for me?

Jose: your parents said you would be back soon so I waited outside. Your parents are so nice.

Bose stepped closer to Jose looking at Jose from head to toe.

Jose: And you are?

Bose wrapped his arm around Mika and said "I'm Bose

Jose: I meant who are you to Mika?

Bose: How does that concern you?

Jose:...I want to know if my baby has a boyfriend

Bose: My baby?..

Jose: Well I don't think you guys are together, I doubt that

Bose: Why wouldn't we be together 'Jose'

Mika: Ok guys, shall we go in Jose?

Bose: I don't think we would want him to come in your house right baby?  

Mika: Bose

Bose: What

Mika: Jose can you give us a minute?

Jose: Sure, why not

Mika: What was that about Bose

Bose: What 

Mika: You are unbelievable

Bose: I am the one that is unbelievable Mika? Me. He was the one calling you baby and asking if you have a boyfriend. If I am your boyfriend yes or no, why does he need to know that. But No, I am unbelievable.

Mika: There is nothing wrong with him asking that and calling me baby.

Bose: But there is a problem when I call you dear. Why didn't you tell him what you told me when he called you that.

Mika: Because I don't have a problem with that.

Bose: When we were walking and talking I could see that you weren't interested in anything I have to say but as soon has you saw him..

Mika: are you jealous?

Bose: No I'm not, go back to Jose and enjoy your day.

Mika: Fine

Mika and Jose walked into the house and Bose walked away.

Angela: Mika where have you been?

Mika: Hi mom, Good to see you too

Herman: Why didn't you tell us about your friend Jose

Jose: Hello again sir 

Herman: Hey Jose

Angela: Is this your boyfriend Mika?

Mika: uh

Jose: Soon-to-be-boyfriend

Mika: Well...

Angela: That's wonderful to hear 

Mika: I thought you didn't want me to have a boyfriend...Oh, you just didn't like him.

Angela: I am glad you and that boy were finally done.


Later that day

Mika was trying to call Bose on the phone

Mika: Hey Bose, are you ok?

Bose: yes

Mika: Where are you?

Bose: Somewhere

Mika: Where? 

Bose: What do you want?

Mika: I was asking if you wanted the five of us to go somewhere?

Bose: five?

Mika: Miles, Chapa, Jose, You and I

Bose: Why not, sure

Mika: Please don't cause any trouble though Bose

Bose: I'm sure I wasn't the one being flirty with you Mika. But sure

Mika: Ok hon... Bose

Bose: Why did you stop calling me by those nicknames and when since I can't even call you dear Mika.

Mika: Bose...

Bose: It's fine, it's not like I am your boyfriend.....yet.

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