We did a bad thing?

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Guys don't bother causing any trouble I am fine said Mika

Mika listen to us, she hurt you we need to do something about it said Bose

Chapa, is she ok. I think I saw you using your powers on her said Mika

Hopefully she isn't ok said Chapa with a little smile on her face

Ok here is the plan we go to her, and beat the crap out of her said Chapa

Great thinking Chapa said Miles

No Miles why are you telling her that. I am fine lets just forget about it and move on Mika said while trying to stand up. She almost fell but Bose caught her.

Thanks Hun said Mika

Are you sure you are ok asked Bose

I am fine dont worry buddy said Mika 

My parents are going to suspect something if I can't stand on my foot without falling over said Mika

Just tell her that someone hit you Mika, I mean that is what happened said Bose

No, she will start asking questions said Mika

I will just make something up said Mika

Wait Chapa, did Heather see you when you shocked her asked Mika

Yea why said Chapa

Chapa, If she saw your face she will know your secert identity said Mika

Oh crap said Chapa

I teleported in front of her and maybe she saw our face said Miles

WHAT! screamed Mika with her powers blasting Bose

Sorry Bose said Mika

Why would you teleport in front of her! said Mika

We need to go find Heather before she tells everyone who we are said Miles

Yeah hurry said Mika trying to get up

Wait Mika you can't come, I will stay here with you said Bose

I can still walk said Mika while trying to stand up but she fell back on the chair

Fine I will stay said Mika

Miles and Chapa transformed and teleported to find Heather while they left Mika and Bose

Mika, are you really ok asked Bose

Yes Bose, your ex girlfriend beat me with a bat I am perfectly fine.

Ok good, your fine said Bose

No, I am not fine Bose said Mika

Bose went to sit closer to Mika

I am sorry Mika, if I didn't like her non of this would have happened said Bose looking sad 

Its not your fault Bose I am fine said Mika smilling 

Bose then hugged Mika and then Chapa and Miles came back with Heather and Mika and Miles aunt tied to a chair 

WE DID A BAD THING said Chapa and Miles

Why did Chapa and Miles tie Miles and Mika's aunt to a chair? Does she know their secret? Find out in the next chapter

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