Desire part 2

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Bose: Fuck I am so sorry Mika

Mika: What was that Bose, I said to stop and you didn't even budge.When since you started swearing too.

Mika: I know you will be going away soon and all but we are just teenagers remember.

Bose: I am sorry I don't even know what just happened. I heard you but I couldn't stop.

Mika: How could you not know what you were doing a while ago and what do you mean you couldn't stop.

Bose: I lost control of myself

Mika: Lost control?

Bose: Yes um It happens when I want something or uh.... someone.

Mika's cheeks turned bright red blushing.

Mika: What did you.... want

Bose: I wanted....... you

Mika stared at Bose and started to feel nervous Bose was not nervous he was looking at her from head to toe. He smiled while admiring her beauty. Mika was admiring his dimples his eyes and his figure.

Mika: stop looking at me like that.

Bose: How am I looking at you said Bose while smiling.

He stepped closer to Mika but she stepped back. This was the first time Mika saw Bose like this. He stepped closer while smiling and admiring her once more.

He gently pushed her on the wall and started kissing her. Bose was hard as a rock slowly loosing control of himself from going further than kissing.

Bose: You are so beautiful Mika

He started to kiss her gently but passionately as if there was no tomorrow. He kissed her neck once again causing her to moan. He lift her up and continued to kiss her neck causing her to moan louder.

Miles and Chapa opened the door and turned on the lights

Miles: Mika mom was call.....

Chapa: What in the fuck is going on. Did we interrupt your um whatever is going on here.

Mika was embrassed and looked over at Miles. Miles mouth was wide open and his eyes were wide open looking at the two of them in disbelief.

Bose: We were just uh....... exercising

Chapa: With what your mouth and lips right said Chapa rolling her eyes. Well this awkward so we are just going to go.

Miles mouth was still wide opened. He didn't turn to leave or even moved he just stared.

Mika: What uh... were you.... going to say.

Chapa: Your parents were saying they wanted to speak to you but couldn't get you. If you didn't call them by tomorrow  morning they were going to come home.

Mika: Ok

Chapa: I am just going pretend I didn't see anything and leave because this is awkward.

Chapa had to pull Miles out of the room and locked the door.

Mika was embrassed

Bose: Mika?

Mika: do you know how embrassing that was. If Chapa saw I would still be embrassed but my twin brother. I feel to just go in a little hole right now.

Bose: Maybe he believed my lie that we were just exercising. That was a pretty good lie.

Mika: Really Bose, Maybe us sleeping on the same bed wasn't a good idea. We nearly did it not one but two times.

Bose: Maybe we could sleep back to back or I could go sleep on the couch if you want.

Mika: we can sleep back to back

They turned off the light and turned to the lamp.

Mika: Good night honey

Bose: Good night Mika

The next morning

Mika woke up facing Bose only inches away. She could feel his breath on her face.

Mika: Bose..... Bose

Bose: Mhm

Mika: It's time to wake up

Bose: What time is it

Mika: 9:00 am

They brushed their teeth and head down stairs

Mika: Good morning Chapa and Miles

Bose: Good morning guys

Chapa: Morning

Miles: Morning remember to call mom Mika.

Mika: yea I will

There was a long awkward silence

Mika: So who is gonna cook breakfast

Miles: There is left over food in the fridge.

Breakfast was very awkward. They kept on avoiding looking at each other. Mika called her mother.

Mika: Good morning mom

Angela: Good morning I was calling you last....

Chapa: Miles that is my favourite snack don't you dare touch it or else I will f you up.

Angela: Mika who the hell is that

Mika: We invited Chapa is that OK?

Angela: Yes is that Miles girl friend

Mika: No No mom our friend

Angela: Ok Bye just wanted to make sure Bose wasn't there.

Mika: So Miles can have a girlfriend but I can't have a boyfriend.

Mika: Chapa why are you yelling you made my mom here you and ask if you were Miles girl friend.

Chapa: Miles girl friend? Is your mom crazy or is she insane how can I be Miles girl friend no way.

Bose: you guys aren't together?

Miles: obviously not

Bose: I thought you guys were a couple because you guys hang out together.

Chapa: well we are not end of discussion.

Bose: Ok ok relax

Bose: Mika do you want to go for a walk

Mika: sure

They walked and talked

Mika: So Bose did you call or say anything to your mother.

Bose: No

Mika: you know Bose I wouldn't want you to stop talking to your mother because of me.

Bose: No it is fine, I don't really want to talk to her right now.

Mika: Ok

They decided to stop at Hip Hop Puree

Mika: delicious everytime

Bose: each time we come here it tastes better than the last.

Mika: Yes, wait for me Bose I have to go to the bathroom.

20 minutes later

Bose: Mika should have come out by now.

He went and knocked on the door but it was open. No one was in there. He started to ask people if they had seen Mika but they didn't see her. He called her phone but couldn't get her. He started to get really worried. He looked almost everywhere he could think off but didn't find her.

Bose: I will have to call Miles now

Where are you baby

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