What is the cure?

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Mika: I want to see Jose, Right now!

Bose: No

I want to see him! shouted Mika

They went on for an hour but Miles just left and Chapa followed him.

Chapa: Are you okay?

Why are you asking me that, it's not like you care said Miles while texting someone.

Chapa looked at Miles and noticed how tall he grew, he was taller than her. She wondered how she didn't notice that.

Chapa: Who are you texting?

Miles: That doesn't concern you

Chapa: What the hell is wrong with you Miles. It's either you tell me or you don't tell me.

She looked into Miles phone and saw the name "Aria". They were suppose to go out but since something was seriously wrong with his sister he couldn't.

Chapa: Are you really that upset because you couldn't go out with some girl?

Miles: Why are you looking into my phone? So what.

Chapa: That's dumb

Miles: No wonder you don't have a boyfriend. You are just always..

Chapa: I'm always what?!

Miles: You are always angry and you think two people liking each other is dumb. How is someone suppose to love you if you are always angry about everything.

Chapa: Why would anyone love someone like you Miles? You are just a pain in the ass.

Miles: I'm the pain, When you were the one who was always angry at the world and hurting people.

Chapa: That is not true, I'm a superhero I save people's ass. Don't be a bitch and take your problems out on your friend.

Chapa walked inside and realised that Bose took Mika outside to talk to her and then Miles came back inside. That was the first time she ever heard Miles talk like that to her. His behaviour was strange, she wondered if the girl he was texting had something to do with that.

Miles sat far away from Chapa.

Chapa was looking at Miles with immense hate while Miles was just staring at his phone.

Chapa: Can you stop texting, yes, it bothers me. I'm sure that girl doesn't even like you.

Miles: Can you drop this?

Chapa: No, I don't know why you would want to be with some random girl I have never heard you talk about.

Miles: She is just my friend, very beautiful friend.

Chapa: Don't exaggerate

Miles: She is very pretty and her curvy figure is...amazing.

Chapa: Whatever

Miles: Don't be jealous Chapa

Chapa: Why would I be jealous, I don't care at all. Anyway, remember the movie we were gonna watch.

Miles: I can't sorry, I have to meet Aria

Chapa: We were planning to watch this movie 6 months now Miles. Are you serious?!

Miles: Things change

Chapa: Are you really gonna ditch the movie because of a girl?

Miles: Sorry

Chapa: Fuc....... okay

Bose came back with Mika

Chapa: Any luck?

Bose: No

Chapa: What are we gonna do to fix her? Schowz is visiting his crazy mother and I don't even know where Ray is.

Bose: Can you and Miles find Jose? I will stay with Mika.

Chapa: Fine

Miles was texting and staring at his phone while smiling.

Chapa: Are you deaf?

Miles looked up and asked what was the problem.

Chapa: You know what the problem is Miles. The fact that your sister is getting crazy by the second asking for Jose and is currently loosing her mind. While you are here on your phone texting your little girlfriend and not even paying attention.

Miles put his phone away and they transformed into their superhero suit.

They teleported and searched for Jose but couldn't find him. They decided to take a break and sat on a bench.

Miles took out his phone and started texting Aria. Chapa looked on what they were texting. She saw a picture of the girl wearing a bra and very short shorts. Miles was complimenting her on how she looked.

Chapa: Are you seriously gonna text that girl every second?

Miles: Mhm

Chapa: So when since friends send pictures of themselves half naked Miles?

Miles: She was......just showing me what she was going to wear no big deal.

Chapa: Yeah, sure

Miles: That's all

Chapa: I think we should focus on finding that idiot now.

Miles: okay

They searched and searched until they finally brought him to the Man's Nest.
Bose transformed but put Mika in another room because he was afraid she would reveal her secret identity.

Jose: What did you want to talk about danger force? What do you want me for?

Bose: We know you gave Mika Macklin the love potion that was stolen from the police station.

Jose: I don't know what you are talking about Brainstorm. She just loves me.

Bose: She doesn't.... You stole the potion and gave it to her.

Chapa: Confess already

Jose: I don't know what you are....

Chapa went closer to Jose and whispered "I will cut that tiny little thing down there off your body and shove it down your throat, don't test me". Jose was terrified.

Jose: Okay...okay, I stole it and gave it to her so she could love me.

Bose: What's the cure?

I would have to sleep with her said Jose with a smile.

Bose: Over my dead body. Tell us what is the cure.

Jose: I just said it

Miles: Jose, I swear if you don't tell us what the cure is I will...

Jose: You can do whatever you want to me.

Chapa smiled

Chapa: Would you guys leave the room and let me handle this.

Bose: okay

Miles: sure

They left the room and she tied him to a chair.

Chapa: Jose, would you be so kind and tell me what the cure is?

Jose: No

Chapa: okay, you would like for me to do this the hard way then.

Chapa went for a knife, a bat and a chainsaw

Chapa: okay, would you like me to stab you, hit you with the bat, use the chainsaw or just use my powers. It's up to you, but you could also tell me what we are suppose to do to help that girl. The choice is yours.

Jose: You wouldn't

Chapa: Trust me, I would. I will if you don't tell me.

Chapa first took up the knife and held it in her hand and looked at Jose.

Jose: You.....a..are apart of danger force You can't hurt me.

Chapa: They call me the angry one for a reason Rose... I mean Jose.

Jose: The only person who has ever called me Rose is Chapa. Volt is Chapa?!

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