The Party

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They all met up at Hip Hop Puree waiting for Jose so they could plan where they were going.

Chapa: I can't believe you invited some random guy you like to come with us to hang out.

Miles: Is this guy your boyfriend Mika?

Mika: No, just a friend

Chapa: yea right, If you wanted to go on a date just go on a date don't involve us in whatever your relationship is.

Miles: My sister isn't going on a date with anyone.

Chapa: We are basically all 3rd wheels Miles.

Miles: Where exactly are we going? And how did you convince mom to let you out of the house again?

Mika: We haven't decided where we are going. Jose helped me to convince mom.

Chapa: What happened between you and Bose? Normally I wouldn't care but Bose looks very pissed.

Miles: Yea, and he hasn't said anything since we got here.

Mika: How am I suppose to know?

Bose: Is your boyfriend coming or not? Why are you waisting our time waiting on your boyfriend. Shouldn't we be going now "dearest".

Mika: He isn't my boyfriend and don't call me that.

Bose: I can call you whatever I want too right? Or does that just apply to Jose.

Chapa: Can someone explain what the hell is going on.

Mika: Nothing is going on, Bose is just being a baby.

Bose: Sure, let's just lie to our friends

Mika: I'm not going to argue with you now O'brien.

Bose: I wasn't arguing Mrs O'brien.

Miles: What is....

Hey baby said Jose while walking towards Mika.

Mika: Hi Jose

Hey guys said Jose while looking at Bose.

Miles: Hello

Bose and Chapa remained silent

Jose: Hey sapa, Is that your name right?

Chapa gave him a stare that scared him.

Jose: So sorry I meant Chapa, I meant Chapa.

Bose: Are we gonna leave or what Mika?

Mika: Where did you say we would go Jose?

Jose: One of my friends party

Mika: uhh

Miles: nope

Chapa: What kind of party?

Jose: just a normal party at my friend's house.

Bose: Mika doesn't like parties.

Mika: We should go guys

Miles: Mika, you don't like parties

Mika: We should go have some fun

Chapa: Yeah

Miles: No

Chapa: Come on Miles, what could go wrong? It's just a party.

Miles: fine

Bose: I never thought that Mika would be saying yes to a party. I guess really liking someone and trying to please them makes people do desperate things.

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