Bose's Birthday Party

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It had been a week since Miles and Chapa kissed and they haven't seen each other. Mika and Bose have not had a conversation in a while.

Olivia: 1....2.....3 Happy Birthday Bosey, Happy Birthday Bosey.

Bose was barely awake. It was 12:00am. His birthday.

Bose: Olivia, it's 12:00. Thank you good night.

Olivia: I was the first to tell you. Remember to wake up early your party is gonna be the best 18th ever.

Bose: mhm


Mika woke up and texted Chapa to come over. To her surprise Chapa declined the offer.

Mika: Miles!

Miles: What?!

Mika: Can you teleport to Chapa and ask why she won't come over?

Miles: I have uh.... homework

Mika: It will just take a second and when since you care about getting homework done.

Miles went back to his room so she decided to call Chapa.

Mika: Why don't you want to come over and get ready?

Chapa: No reason

Mika: Do you remember the time I did you a favor and got you out of trouble.

Chapa: Yeah

Mika: I want you to wear the red dress I gave you that you never wore.

Chapa: No

Mika: Yes

Chapa: No

Mika: Yes

Chapa: Okay fine! I will wear the stupid dress.

Mika: Great, Bye see you later.


Mika started to get ready and so did Miles. Mika wore a short silver dress that clung to her body. She walked down stairs to see Miles seating and waiting on her.

Miles: Where is the rest of the dress?

Mika: Don't exaggerate it's not that short.

Miles: Why don't you wear the nice pink dress Mom gave you.

Mika: The dress that has 10 different bows on it and makes me look like a Christmas Present? The dress that was so long it almost made me trip and fall down the stairs? Seriously.

Miles looked at the time and realized that Mika had taken forever to get ready. They teleported at the party to see Chapa wearing the dress, heels and makeup.

Mika: Chapa you look amazing!

Chapa: So do you

Miles mouth was wide open

Miles: Wow, you look stunning cupcake.

Chapa: Thank you and don't call me that.

Mika noticed the way how Miles looked at Chapa. He looked up and down then stopped at her face to make eye contact. What is going on here she thought to herself. Chapa looked away from Miles and looked at Mika.

Chapa: Let's go see the birthday boy

They walked inside and it was already crowded. There were quite a few banners and balloons. The crowd was staring at them. They were looking at Mika and Chapa. Mika went to the kitchen to look for Bose and to grab a snack while Miles and Chapa went somewhere else.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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