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Chapa: Oh shit

Miles: We can explain

Ray: Give me the memory wiper

Bose: What memory wiper? Did you guys use it on me?

Chapa: There is no memory wiper Ray. We need Schowz to make another one.

Ray: Schowz isn't going to be back until 2 weeks!

Mika: Why?

Ray: atleast you kids did one thing right. You fixed Mika. Someone explain why this kid is in the Man's Nest tied up and he knows your secret identity.

Chapa: I'm not pointing the finger but it's all Miles fault.

Miles: What!

Chapa: Miles is inlove with the girl who told him his secret identity. She found out when they were on the phone and she heard someone call him Awol.

Ray popped a gum and transformed into Captain Man.

Ray: Name, Address, current location

Chapa looked and Miles

Chapa: Tell him Miles

Miles: Her name is Aria, I don't know where she lives.

Chapa: How would you not know Miles?

Miles: She never told me

Chapa: She really is something else

Miles: She must have her reasons

Chapa: She doesn't love word you back does she.

Miles: I don't love her

Jose: You really do love her huh?

Chapa: Didn't I just put a tape over his mouth?

Jose: I ate it

Mika: Ray where exactly is Schowz?

Ray: his mother

Mika: and where is that?

Ray: I don't know everything about Schowz, Mika.

Miles: Mika its getting late mom wants us home.

Mika: What about Jose and the girl Miles is inlove with?

Miles: I'm not inlove with her

Ray: I will watch him

Chapa: Yeah I will stay too

Miles: Are you and your mom good now chapa?

Everything is just fine said chapa in a sarcastic tone.

Bose: I have to go home my mother is making the girl I have to be with for the rest of my life stay at our house.

Ray: I thought Mika was going home with Miles.

Mika: Olivia?

Bose: Yeah, The girl Miles is inlove with had to leave because I have to be with Olivia.

Mika: Oh...

Chapa: Well that is awful

Miles: Guys let's go it's getting late

Bose and Mika held on to Miles and he teleported to Bose's house and then his house.

Herman: You guys are back late

Angela: I hope you weren't with that b....

Mika: He has someone much better than me now

Mika walked pass her mom and went to her bedroom. She locked the door and sat on her bed. She reached for her phone and opened an app. The first thing she saw was a picture of Olivia and Bose and the caption was "Me and My Future Husband". Bose hand was around her waist and he was fake smiling and looking at the camera. Her hands were around his neck looking at him as if she was inlove. Mika scrolled and saw the other picture.

Bose and MikaWhere stories live. Discover now