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Miles, Mika and Chapa walked away from the fight. Chapa didn't want to leave but Miles was the one to carry her away. They teleported to the Man's Nest.

Olivia was on the floor but someone helped pick her up. She was crying and they carried her to the nurse. The nurse gave her an ice pack and told her she will be fine. Bose was surprised Chapa just snapped at her like that. She must have said something to piss Chapa off.

Bose followed her to the principal office to try and convince her to not report Chapa.

Olivia: Chapa de Silva did this to me

Principal: Where is Chapa now?

Olivia: I don't know

Bose: I don't think Chapa meant to do that, it's not even noticeable.

Olivia: I don't care Bose

Principal: I will call her parents tomorrow

At the Man's Nest

Miles put down Chapa and she looked furious

Chapa: Miles, Why did you do that!

Miles: You were fighting that poor girl

Chapa: That bit-

Miles: Will you ever stop acting like this?! You have serious anger issues. What did she even do? You always fight for no reason.

Chapa was about to say something but she stopped and walked outside of the Man's Nest.

Mika: Where are you going?

Chapa: Back to school

Miles: What are you gonna do? Fight her again?

Chapa: This has nothing to do with you Miles. Stay out of it.

Miles: Are you jealous of Olivia too? It's reasonable for Mika to be jealous of her but why are you?

Chapa: why would I be jealous of her Miles? You're so stupid.

Mika: Will you guys stop arguing!

Miles: You are a superhero Chapa, Your suppose to save people not hurt them.

Chapa walked away

Mika: Chapa! Chapa! Where are you going?
Look what you did Miles.

Miles: She was the one that hurt Bose's girlfriend.

Mika: Bose's girlfriend is the one who came up to us and started the argument. Chapa was just defending us. You don't have to be so harsh with her.

Miles: It's Chapa she can handle it

Mika: She has feelings too you know. Apologize to her.

Bose called Miles and he answered the phone

Bose:Where did you guys go?

Miles: We are at the Man's Nest

Bose: I was trying to call Chapa but she didn't answer. The principal is gonna call her parents.

Miles: Tell your girlfriend Chapa says sorry.

Bose: She is not my girlfriend. Where is Chapa?

Miles: She said she was going back to school but I don't think she is.

Bose: Okay see you later

Miles: bye

Mika: Who was that?

Miles: Bose, They are gonna call Chapa's parents.

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