The threat

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Mika POV: It was Monday in the afternoon our teachers called us and told us that we were required to join clubs. I joined the fencing club, Miles joined the dancing club, Bose joined the chess club and Chapa joined the basketball club .

Bose are you sure you want to contine going to the chess club asked Miles

Yea, I am the smartest person I know said Bose 

Really Bose said Chapa

Don't worry guys, there is a seat at the air vent and the harp club meets at the exact same time said Mika

Ohh ok said Miles

Bose your going to do just fine said Chapa

Mika POV: I liked fencing but heather was number 1 in the fencing club. I knew I had to beat her and become number 1. It has been 1 week since I joined the fencing team and I still haven't beat heather, I was in second place and she was first

Later at fencing club. Mika and Heather were competing to be number 1. Mika won Heather.

I beat you Heather. I am number 1 Mika said while cheering.

First you stole my boy friend and then you stole my place in the fencing tournament. I promise that I will get my revenge on you MIKA MACKLIN said Heather 

Mika didn't take Heathers words serious. She just walked away and celebrated that she won. Heather was serious about what she said. She was going to hurt Mika in every way she could.

Will Heather suceed in her plan to hurt Mika? or will she fail?. Will Mika get hurt? Or Will Heather give up and forget?

Hope you guys liked this story

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