She's Back

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Chapa: Whattt, I- what. Ofcourse not.

Jose: You are Chapa, Your attitude plus you called me Rose. Brainstorm is Bose because he is extremely upset about Mika. Aria said Awol was Miles, I didn't believe her but he is. Mika is Shoutout.

Chapa: Look Jose, we are not any of those people so stop being delusion and tell me how to fix Mika.

Jose: Bose!

Bose: Yea?

Miles came back in the room and he and Chapa both gave bose the look.

Miles: His name isn't Bose, His name is Bos-

Chapa: Bosiely

Jose: I'm not stupid

Chapa: What did you mean when you said Aria was right about Awol?

Jose: They were on a phone call but he forgot to hang up and she heard someone call him Awol.

Miles: No, I'm not Miles

Chapa: He already knows who you are because of your little girlfriend.

Bose: Wait, wait. Aria?

Miles: yea

Bose: Let me see a picture

Miles showed her the picture she had sent him.

Bose: Miles, Aria has been at my house. My mother has been setting us up. She likes me but I don't like her.

Miles: Wait, Wait. What?!

Jose: I know her too, she loves sending guys her half naked pictures.

Chapa: I told you that girl was no good. How could you let this happen Miles. We are screwed.

Miles: She sends her pictures to other guys?

Chapa: What the actual. Miles that is the least of our problems now.

Miles: He is lying, she would never do that.

Chapa: Check his phone then

Jose: Go ahead

He gave them the password and he checked the phone.

Miles: You save her as "who*e"

Jose: She is

Miles checked his phone and couldn't believe what he saw.

Chapa: I guess he wasn't lying. She is a wh..

Miles: Don't call her that!

Bose: Miles, calm down

Chapa: Don't you dare yell at me, Miles. We need to go to Bose's house and carry her here.

Miles: No, I'm not gonna make you guys hurt her.

Chapa: Who said we are going to hurt her?

Miles: I know you Chapa

Chapa: We need to get this girl before she tells anyone your secret identity.

Miles: She...she wouldn't tell anyone else

Chapa: Are you inlove with this girl Miles?

Miles: ...No

Bose: Let's go get her. Miles teleport me home and then I will tell you when to come back.

Miles: okay

Miles teleported Bose infront of his house and then left. Bose saw Olivia, Aria, his mother and the vice mayor. He walked in and asked what was going on.

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