A Kiss?

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Mika: Olivia must have told her you left Hip Hop Puree with me. What am I going to do I will be in even more trouble because she called me at 10:30 pm and now its 11:20 pm and I have 14 missed calls from her. I don't know what we are going to do.

Bose: Just tell her we are hanging out with Chapa and Miles or make something up. 

Mika: Bose, Miles and Chapa left Hip Hop Puree long before we did and we left together. They must be wondering what we are doing so late it is 11:25 pm.

Miles: Calm down we can make something up. Mika isn't a very good liar though.

Chapa: I lied and told my mom that Miles and I are watching a movie so we could come back to the Man's Nest. I have 9 missed calls from my mom

Mika: Now she is going to think that Bose and I are together. 

Miles: We need to teleport now it is 11:30 we need to go mom must be furious.

They teleported to Mika and Miles house

Mika: Hello mom.....

Chapa: Why is My Mom here?

Angela(Mika and Miles Mom): Where the hell have you and Bose been 

Celia (Bose's Mom): I told you already that you and Olivia are suppose to be together not this random girl. Where were you and what were the both of you doing?!

Bose: I don't even like her she used her pow...

Mika: Shut up Bose, why would you tell her about that 

Olivia ran from outside the front door and hugged Bose

Olivia: Why did you run off with her

Bose: I didn't run off with her can you guys just listen

Herman(Mika and Miles Dad):  If you didn't run off what did you do said Herman while walking towards them.

Chapa: They were.........with Miles and I at the Movies

Alejandra: You said You and Miles were at the Movies.

Angela: Tell us the truth or ELSE we will me moving out of this country far away to somewhere you will never see either of your friends.

Mika was trying to come up with a lie fast. She was awful at lying she normally tried to always tell the truth. 

Herman: Was Miles with you guys 

Mika: No...

Angela: Then what the hell happened 

Olivia: I know partially what happened. She came back into Hip Hop Puree with her jealousy. She was very mad at Bose for liking me. When Bose told her He didn't care for her she started to lash out. It was so bad that Bose had to go outside with her to try and calm her and speak to her. I heard them shouting at each other over and over again. Then I heard Mika with a loud scream. I think Bose asked her if she was ok. Then I heard Bose make a sound as if he was in pain. 

Mika: Yea that is what happened

Olivia: I was so afraid to go out there because of the screaming and noises. I assumed they were..... doing something. 

Bose: What do you mean by doing something?

Angela: You guys were.............

Mika: No Mom No NO NO NO Nooo

Celia: That was what happened Bose?!

Bose: Yeah I guess said Bose because he didn't understand what they were asking 

Mika: Bose WHAT we were NOT 

Olivia: I am sure you guys were doing more than making out

Bose: WHAT NOOOOO, We weren't doing that. That is the last thing that we would be doing

Angela: You and Miles have been lying over and over and over. We grounded you the last time and now THIS?!. I don't even know what the hell I am suppose to do with you. You are so out of control.

Herman: This is what you are doing for this boy Mika, and lying again!

Mika: I am not lying mom and dad.

Celia: Bose, You will not be coming back to Swellview anytime soon. You will not be speaking to any of these people after today or able to see them.

Bose: But Mom

Celia: Don't speak back to me either. Say Goodbye to them and come with me. We are leaving in the morning.

Bose: Could I have one second with My friends 

Herman: Noo leave!

Bose hugged Miles and Chapa. Chapa hated hugs but it may be the last time she would see her friend.

Bose: I am sorry that I said we shouldn't be friends. I am sorry I said I didn't care about you Mika, I regret the fight that we had. I just want to say I am sorry. 

Bose walked out the door with Olivia he didn't say goodbye to Mika or give her a hug. Chapa and her mother left and her mother was furious.

I went up to my room and a text came to my phone

It was from Bose

Look outside, 

Bose POV : We went home but as soon as I step out of the car rain began to pour I started running as fast as I could back to Mika's House. My Mother drove and followed me and told me to stop running but I didn't listen. I ran as fast as ever even though I couldn't see much since it was raining and really dark. I texted Mika when I arrived. I saw her climb down and ran towards me. My mother stopped and watched us from inside the Vehicle. I hugged her as tight as ever. It was now or never. I kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me and I held her waist. We stopped for a few seconds and I held her face and started kissing her again. It was like I couldn't stop even though the rain was soaking us. 

I Love You Mika With All My Heart. I Will Always Love You From This Day Onwards. Even If My Parents Don't Allow Us To Be Together I Will Always Love You Mika.

Mika: Do you have to go now Bose?

Bose: Yes 

Tear began to fall from Mika's eyes 

Bose: Don't cry I will be back I promise

Olivia and his mother could only watch. They didn't want to go in the rain and get soaked. Olivia was very upset. 

He hugged her and kissed her again

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