The Misunderstanding

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After Miles and Chapa teleported around they found out that Heather was at the Swellview Police Departmemt

Hey guys what you doing here asked Miles

We work here said a police officer

Why are you all here, don't you have a life or something its late said Chapa

What are you danger force kids doing here asked a Police Officer 

Have you guys seen a brown hair girl named Heather asked Miles

Yea she is taking to Officer Walnut right now said an Officer

Why are you here anyways asked an Officer

We were just.......

Looking for a.......

We were um..... We are searching for..... a.... villain and we would like to ask Officer Walnut

Ok her office is that way said the Police man

Ok thanks said Miles

They walked into the office and closed the door

Miles you are in danger force asked his aunt

What.... who is Miles said Miles

Don't lie to me baby boy, I know its you said his aunt

You won't be telling anyone about this right? asked Chapa

Baby girl I will be telling Alejandro and all your parents said Officer Walnut

Heather was just standing and smilling

But they will kick us out of Danger force said Miles

I will be calling Angela right now Miles and then your mom baby girl.

Oh crap, what the hell are we suppose to do said Chapa 

As she was dialing the number she panicked and shocked Officer Walnut causing her to fall.

Chapa what the heck said Miles

Heather was about to run off but Chapa shocked her

Chapa what are we going do now asked Miles

I don't know, We did a bad thing said Chapa 

Lets tie them up said Chapa 

No, I am not tieing up my aunt said Miles 

got any better idea asked Chapa

I can't believe we are doing this Chapa said Miles

Done, so we need to figure out what we are going do with them

Lets go to ..... they heard an officer knocking

Hello Officer Walnut come back and drink some of this soup, we bought spoons! an officer said while knocking

Oh shit! said Chapa

Chapa, Language! said Miles

Miles we need to get the hell out of here said Chapa

Miles held his hands up and teleported to the Man's Nest and saw Mika and Bose hugging


Oh my is that aunt di di, What did you guys do now. said Mika

Let me guess Heather told her our secret identites said Mika 

What are we gonna to do asked Bose

I don't even know, I am freaking out right now said Miles

Ok, Ok I will zap them and make them forget about a few days, or maybe a few months said Chapa

No Chapa that's our aunt said Mika and Miles 

Guys ray is coming! said Bose

Hurry, Hurry Miles teleport us to my bedroom said Mika

They teleported to Mika's bedroom

What are we going to do Mika 

I don't know Mika said while falling on the ground

Ahhw! said Mika

Are you ok Mika said Bose while they were helping her get up 

Yea am fine said Mika

Mika are you ok said Mika's Mom

Yea she is fine said Bose 

Bose why did you answer said Miles 

Mika is that Bose again, and why were you screaming!

Again? asked Chapa with a smirk on her face

Change into your clothes and go said Mika


Guys hurry and leave, Bose transform quick and hurry said Mika

MIKA said Her mother

I really want to see how this goes down though said Chapa

Guys hurry said Miles while holding his aunt,Heather and Chapa

Teleport to my house said Chapa

They teleported out of the room leaving Mika and Bose and outside the room a very angry mother

Mika open this door right now! said Angela( Mika's Mom name)

Coming mom said Mika while Bose was holding her because of her injury.

What the hell is going on in here! said angela 

Mika what were you doing with Bose! said angela

Nothing we were........... doing homework said Mika

Yea we were said Bose

Stop holding my daughter! how dare you guys do this said Angela 

Do what? Mom asked Mika

I heard you scream and you told him to put on clothes. I am not stupid Mika 

Mom, what we didn't do........ that, eww said Mika

What didn't we do? asked Bose 

And your legs are bursed Mika, Explain that! asked angela

I-I was said Mika

I don't want to hear it I can't believe you Mika said Angela 

I didn't do anything Mom, why can't you believe me asked Mika



GET OUT! said Angela

Don't go Bose said Mika

Bye Mika said Bose

Mika was trying to walk but because Heather hit her on her legs she fell on her bed

Oww said Mika

You are grounded Mika, you are not allowed to see that Bose boy again and If you do you will be switching schools said Mika's Mom

Why can't you believe me said Mika while wrapping herself with a sheet from head to toe. 

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