Where is Mika?

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Bose called Miles

Bose: Miles have you seen Mika I have been looking for her 2 hours now.

Miles: No I haven't seen her. Wasn't she with you.

Bose: She went to the bathroom at Hip Hop Puree and I don't know where she is

Miles: Bose If anything happens to my sister.

Bose: Teleport to Hip Hop Puree. I am outside, I promise I will find her.

Miles and Chapa teleported to Hip Hop Puree

Bose: Great you guys are here

Miles: Where is my sister?!

Bose: I just told you on the phone I don't know I have been searching for her hours now.

Chapa: First Ray then Mika, Something is not right.

Miles: We have to find her before something happens.

Bose: Maybe we are overreacting and she is fine. Right guys?

Chapa: Bose, Do you really think that Mika would leave Hip Hop Puree and not finish her Puree.

Bose: No

Chapa: I think that bitch Olivia has something to do with this.She likes Bose and Bose and Mika are together.

Miles: Yes we have to go to your house Bose. She must still be there.

Bose: I will go to my house and ask Olivia you guys go around Swellview and look for Mika.

Chapa: When we find Mika. If Olivia, Oliver or whatever her name is involved. She will pay.

Miles,Chapa and Bose teleported to Bose's house and left him.

Bose knocked on the door and Olivia came a few seconds later and opened the door.

Olivia: Bosey you came back said Olivia while hugging Bose

Bose pushed her away and entered through the door. His mother and the vice mayor walked towards him.

Bose: Where the hell is Mika?!

Vice Mayor: How dare you come in this house and yell at me and your mother!

Bose: I was asking Olivia.

Celia: What would Olivia have to do with this and Where were you?

Bose: I was at Mika's and Miles house

Celia: I told you that you are not suppose to see that girl again.

Bose: I don't need to hear your opinion right now.

Vice Mayor: We made an agreement with Olivia's parents the two of you will start dating when you are 18. Married at 21 and have 2 boys and 1 girl.

Bose: Do you think you can control my life. The only person I will be dating then getting married to and have kids with is Mika. I don't know why you would arrange a marriage for me with someone I don't love.

Celia: Look how beautiful Olivia is she has brown eyes and blonde straight hair.Your future kids will be perfect.

Bose: I have had enough of this conversation with you two. Olivia Where is Mika!?

I don't know, why are you asking me said Olivia with a smirk on her face.

He moved closer to her and whispered in her ear.

Bose: Olivia if anything happens to Mika Macklin you will not be leaving Swellview unharmed. If you leave I will find you and make sure you pay for what you did.

Olivia pushed Bose away

Olivia: I don't know where your girlfriend is Bose and I don't appreciate you threatening me.

Vice mayor: Leave Bose I don't want to see you back here unless you have changed.

Bose: As if I wanted to stay with you. You guys are awful. She is missing I don't know where she is and you guys don't even want to help.

You guys are really fucked up said Bose while leaving.

He searched and searched but still no sign of Mika. It was now 11pm.

Bose called Miles and Chapa, asked them to teleport to where he was.

Bose: Did you guys find anything?

Miles: No,did you?

Bose: No

Miles: Bose,What did Olivia say?

Bose: She said she doesn't know where Mika is. I have a feeling she does know where she is.

Chapa: We should take her in the woods and let me light her up.

Miles: That is a good idea tomorrow we should carry her far out into the woods.

Bose: Yes we can get something from Schowz to make her fall asleep. Lets go to the Man's Nest.

Bose, Miles and Chapa teleported to the Man's Nest. 

Olivia sneaked out of the house at 1am. She went to an old abandoned warehouse.

Olivia: Well hello ???

Mika was tied up and her mouth was sealed with ducktape.

???: Why are you here?

Olivia: Bose came by the house asking me about Mika. He is on to us.

???: Us? He is on to you.

Olivia: What are we going to do with her.

???: We? I only hired you to get close to Bose. I luckily found you the perfect person. You were going have to marry him but you decided to help me and now he hates you.

Olivia: He doesn't hate me and we are going to get married.

???: Whatever you say

Olivia: Do you need Volt as well. We could kidnap her.

??? Are you insane?! This one has already almost escaped 3 time. How would we deal with the crazy one.Now go back before anyone sees you

Olivia: By the way what did you do with  Captain Man.

???: That is non of your business.
Now Leave!!

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