Finding Mika

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They transformed into their super hero suits.

Bose: Ok guys you know the plan let's go

Miles teleported into Olivia's room and took her into the woods where Bose and Chapa were.

Olivia: Danger Force? Why did you guys take me here?

Chapa: We ask the questions here you little piece of.....

Bose: Where is Mika Macklin?!

Olivia: Why would you guys care?

Miles: We are Danger Force, We protect citizens of Swellview from harm and danger.

Olivia: What does that have to do with me.

Bose: We are asking where is Mika

Chapa: Guys leave I will take care of this.

Miles: leave?

Chapa: Yes

Bose: fine

They teleported away for awhile

Chapa: Ok I am going to ask you again. Where is Mika Macklin?

I said I don't know said Olivia with a smile.

Chapa: I know you know where she is. I am giving you a chance to tell me.

Olivia: I will not be telling you any thing .

Chapa: I wonder if you realized who I am and where we are. No cameras and no witnesses. Now I ask you again where is Mika.

Olivia: I am not telling you anything!

Chapa started to Zap Olivia over and over again until she lost consciousness.

Bose and Miles teleported back.

Chapa: She hasn't talked yet but she will. She has to if her life is on the line.

Olivia started to wake up. She could bearly move.

Bose: Where is Mika?!

I w...won't tell you said Olivia in a weak tone.

Chapa punched her and went closer to her face. If anything happens to Mika Macklin I will make sure you suffer. I will keep you here for the rest of your life and torture you.

Olivia: Ok fine fine I will talk. Please don't hurt me. I know who has her and I know where she is.

Bose: Good, Now tell us the location.

They teleported to the Warehouse and Olivia led them inside.

They heard two familiar voices arguing so they decided to wait and listen.

????: What are you going to do with the girl.

???: Something really painful.

????: Good I want her out of the picture. My wife and I don't want Bose to see that girl again.

???: I will just sell her off to some random rich guy across the country.

????: Good just do anything to her. I don't care, I made an agreement so this girl cannot be in the picture.

???: Ok does your wife or anybody know about our agreement.

????: Of course not, When you get rid of her I will pay you the money.

They used a device on Olivia and she fell to the ground.

Bose: Heather!??

Heather: Missed me Bosey boy

Bose: And the Vice Mayor?!

Vice Mayor: Bose???

Bose: I am not bose. Where is Mika?!

Heather: We are draining her powers before she leaves.

Bose levitated a desk and a chair and hit Heather.

Chapa zapped both of them.Miles punched the Vice Mayor. Chapa zapped the vice mayor and Heather until they fell and lost consciousness.

Bose ran over to Mika and plugged out the Machine that was draining her powers and took her up.

Miles and Chapa went over to see if she was okay.

Miles: Mika? Mika?

R....ray said Mika in a weak voice.

They found Ray in a infinite loop. As if he was stuck. Miles teleported Heather and the Vice Mayor to the Police station and explained what happened. He teleported back to the Man's Nest with Chapa, Bose, Mika and Ray in the Machine.They didn't know how to free him so they called Schowz.

Schowz: It appears he is in a infinite loop. It will take a while for him to stop.

Bose: Mika isn't walking up

Miles: What are we suppose to do Schowz. They took away her powers.

Bose: She has bruises on her hand as if they were....hurting her.

Miles: Will Ray and Mika be ok Schowz?

Schowz: Ray will be out of this loop by next week but for Mika...

Chapa: Ray is ok but what do you think is going to happen to Mika?

Schowz: She will be sleeping until her body has enough strength for her to regain her powers.

Bose: How long will that be?

Schowz: Hours..Days...Weeks.....Months
It depends.

Miles: Months?! What am I suppose to do without my twin? I mean what am I going to tell my parents?

They placed Mika on a bed and waited for her to wake up. After a while they left Bose with Mika to see how they could help Ray.

No one POV:
Miles was too devastated to see his sister like that. Chapa felt really bad for Miles so she tried to cheer him up. She wondered when Mika would wake up and when Ray would come out of that loop. She was sad and very very angry. Bose was in the room with Mika figuring out why they had to do this to her.

How could they do this to you Mika, how could they? said Bose with tears streaming down his face.

Bose: I can't believe he.... my own step father could do something like this.

Later that day Bose went to the police station where he saw his mother bailing the Vice Mayor out of prison.

Bose: What the hell?!

Celia: Bose you scared me.What are you doing here?

Bose: I could ask you the same question.

Vice Mayor: There was a little mix up with danger force. I ended up here because of Danger force, That is nothing money can't fix.

Bose: Are you going to tell mom why you are here or should I. I already know that you know my identity.

Celia: He already told me and I am sorry for her but maybe it is for the best. Maybe it is best for her to be out of the picture.

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