Two Seconds

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-season 2

y/n was walking through the crowd of people looking for her boyfriend, steve harrington.

as she looked around the party, she saw her boyfriend, and another girl.

but it wasn't how she thought she'd see him. it was different.

him and the girl were kissing.

y/ns heart sunk and her face dropped. her eyes started watering as she got stares from everyone.

everybody in hawkins high knew steve and y/n were dating. they were the schools power couple.

steve pushed the girl away in disgust.

"get off!" he struggled.

"what the fuck?" the girl slurred.

"i have a girlfriend." steve said sternly.

"so what? i bet i'm better." she snorted.

"uh, no. leave me alone, i love my girlfriend."

steve looked over and saw y/n running away to the front door.

"oh, god." his voice trembled as he ran after her, pushing past everyone toward the front door where he saw her run.

once y/n got outside in the yard, she fell to her knees and let out the loudest sobs ever.

"y/n!" steve yelled as he ran toward his girlfriend.

she stood up and stared at steve.

"y/n.." steve sighed, reaching for her arm.

"no!" she yelled, slapping his hand.

"stay away from me!"


she turned around and started walking away from the house toward the car steve drove her in.

"y/n! please!" steve begged.

"would you leave me alone?!" she yelled.

"would you just listen to me for two seconds?!" steve screamed.

"fine. two seconds."

"she kissed me. she was drunk, i swear i didn't kiss her." steve said quickly.

y/n huffed.

"i promise." steve said. y/n could tell in his eyes that he was serious, his glossy eyes were full of pain.


a tear fell out of her eye as she closed them.

she ran up to steve and wrapped her arms around his neck.

he stumbled back a bit, but did the same, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"i'm sorry." he whispered.

she pulled her head away from his chest and looked into his eyes.

"i forgive you." she smiled.

he smiled back, looking into her eyes.

after a bit of them staying in the position of their hug, he quickly leaned his head in, connecting their lips.

she smiled into the kiss and after a bit of time, he pulled away.

he hugged her tighter as she rested her head on his chest.

he rested his chin on her head, and after a few seconds, he kissed her head, knowing she loved forhead kisses.

"i love you." he said, his head on hers.

"i love you too." she smiled.

"see what my two seconds did?" steve asked.

he felt her laugh into his chest.

"yes, i do."

"i guess two seconds can really do something."

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