The Best of Robin and Y/N

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"hey, dingus your children are here." robin announced.

"i'm not dingus' child." y/n retorted.

robin rolled her eyes playfully.

"sTop yoU WhOre." y/n slurred.

"heY, thaTs nOt nicE." robin said back to her.

"oh my god, they're so high." dustin scoffed.

"bOop." steve poked his nose.

"steve, stop."

robin, y/n and steve just started laughing uncontrollably.

y/n gave robin a dorky smile as she passed, and robin gave it back to her.

"y/nnnnn." robin groaned.

"what?" y/n asked, as she was sprawled out on the ground.

"do you.. think butterflies have feelings?" she asked.

y/n gasped at the thought.

"like.. if you hit them do you think they get angry?"

"i thought you said it was all out of your system, robin." steve sighed.

y/n slipped on the wet floor and fell on her bottom. robin didn't help her, but just laughed at her girlfriend.

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