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-season 4

y/n had somehow kept her trauma a secret. the trauma that was haunting her, and had been, since the year prior.

her father figure, once she had been found after being reported missing, was chief hopper. he had taken care of her when she was younger to when she was seventeen. the year she turned seventeen was the year she felt her life fall apart.

chief hopper had not only taken her in, but also eleven; the wanted russian girl. during the battle of starcourt, y/n was told to help joyce in closing the gate.

y/n wasn't looking, she figured hopper had gotten out when joyce yelled, "y/n! close it!"

but he hadn't gotten out. he was still there.

"joyce! where's hop?" she asked.

joyce looked at her with guilty eyes and y/n realized what she meant.

"no. no, no. why'd we close the gate?" she asked, tears falling from her eyes.

when the byers - and el - were moving to california, y/n couldn't stand to leave the place and people she loved, so she stayed.


y/n still had visions, memories of what had happened that day in the mall. she was filled with guilt and sadness.

while max was explaining what she saw in the school, and what happened to fred and chrissy, y/n wasn't paying attention. she did make it look like she was.

so, once max was almost killed by b
vecna in the graveyard, y/n couldn't bare to tell anyone that she had seen the clock when they were waiting for max.

Time Skip

"look, we just need to find clues." nancy told them.

"find a partner." y/n went with lucas and max, walking around. max had her headphones in to keep vecna away, y/n didn't. she was vulnerable and vecna used that to get into her head.

"y/n?" max asked, taking off her headphones.

"y/n?" she repeated.

"lucas. LUCAS!" she shouted, getting his attention.

"come!" he ran to max, who had her hands on y/n's shoulders.

"what's her favorite song?!' lucas asked, drawing the attention from dustin, as he came walking over to the three.

"is it max?!" he asked, knowing nothing about y/n being haunted.

"get steve!" max yelled.

"STEVE!" dustin shouted to y/n's boyfriend, and steve came running up, along with robin and nancy.

"what? what happened?" he asked.

"it's y/n." dustin said, and the three teen's eyes widened.

steve ran straight to where he heard the yelling of max and lucas.

"Y/N!" max screamed.

"what's her favorite song?!" lucas asked steve.

"uh, uh, i always have it in dustin's bag." steve panicked.

"which?! beatles, madonna, queen, what?!" robin asked, digging through the bag.

"i found it!" nancy exclaimed as she pulled out steve and y/n's shared walkman and an abba cassette.

steve took it from nancy, put the casette in the walkman and put the headphones over y/n's ears. angeleyes by abba played loudly as everyone looked at y/n in worry.

suddenly, y/n began to float up in the air, leaving everyone to scream her name, waiting for her to wake up.

"Y/N!" steve yelled, putting his hands in his hair.

after a few moments of yelling her name, y/n's bones began to break.

max gasped softly, putting her hands over her mouth.

"oh, my god.." robin sobbed.

y/n's eyes went into her skull, and she fell. steve ran to catch her as he cried into her.

"god, we should've known." lucas muttered.

"what?" nancy asked.


"no, you're right, lucas. she felt guilty about hopper." dustin realized.

"at least she will be with him." max croaked.

robin ran to steve and wrapped her arms around him.

just imagine when everyone reunited, like with hopper and joyce, everyone was there, and that's when dustin told them all about y/n, max, and everything else that happened.

everyone ran to each other, hugging.

"where's y/n?" el asked.

"and max and lucas?" will added on.

"too lazy to come?" mike joked.

dustin sighed sadly, telling them he would tell them later.

Time Skip

"chief?" dustin asked.

"hey, kid." he smiled.

"where's y/n?" joyce smiled.

"oh, yeah, can we know now? where max and y/n are?" mike asked, turning to lucas, who showed up just a few moments before.

lucas' hitched at the sound of max's name.

"y/n.." dustin began, hating to have to tell the news about y/n. he was going to let lucas tell the others about max.

"vecna got her." he managed to get out with teary eyes. hopper and joyce's small smile dropped, jonathan, will and mike's eyes glossed over and el gasped softly in disbelief.

"and eddie.." he sighed, looking in mike's direction.

"and max?" el asked shakily.

"she's in the hospital. " lucas said.

"she survived."

el felt a small bit of relief that max was alive, but she couldn't believe the fact that y/n was gone.

hopper buried his head in his hands as will and mike looked at each other sadly.

y/n; one of the party's babysitters, hopper's daughter, steve's girlfriend, robin and nancy's best friend, one of joyce's daughter figures was gone.

a/n: bro this is so bad i'm sorry lmaoo
i'm tired and i think i'm getting worse at writing angst by the second 💀

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