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-season 3 (the beginning, when they're introducing everyone.)

"y/n? where are you?" steve asked, as he looked through the apartment after he got there after work.

"y/n?" he questioned as he walked into the bathroom where he saw her.

she was in her brown shorts, and white sports bra, her white tank top on the counter.

"are you.. okay, y/n?" he asked.

she just sighed, looking down and walked backwards a bit as he stood in front of her.

"y/n, babe, can you tell me what's wrong?" he said, looking down at his girlfriend.

"i look.." y/n said, softly.

"disgusting." she spat out as she looked up at steve.

"what? no, you look gorgeous." he smiled.

"you're just saying that because you're my boyfriend."

"no, i'm saying it because it's true. you're pretty, you're beautiful, gorgeous, stunning. there are so many other words i could use for you."

"i don't know.. do you see this?" she asked, pointing at her stomach.

"your stomach?" he questioned.

"it sticks out." she pouted.

"okay. gut or no gut. i love you. you look perfect. nothing you need to worry about. i love you." he said, putting his hands on the middle of her torso.

she sniffed as her eyes filled with tears.

"no, no, baby, don't cry." steve said sweetly, pulling her into a hug.

she just stood against him, as he rubbed her back with his hands.

he kissed her forehead.

"i love you, y/n. and i won't stop just because of your insecurites that you don't need to worry about."

"i love you, too." she sniffed and sighed.

he picked her up and carried her to their shared bed where he laid down and let her lay down on him.

he rubbed her back softly, and played with her hair with his other hand.

she had her head on his chest, and her arms around his body.

"you're perfect." he whispered as he kissed her forehead.

"thank you, baby." she smiled.

"of course. i love you."

"i love you too." she said as she snuggled her head more into his chest.

eventually, she fell asleep on him, and he fell asleep, too.

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