The Best of Y/N and Steve: Part Three

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-all seasons

"i hold grudges." steve said.

"the fuck did i do, man?" y/n asked.

"you slapped me." he pouted.

"dude, that was like two years ago." y/n said, confused.

"i still hold grudges."

"i hope you choke on cheese and DIE." y/n said.

"bitch--" steve began.

"finish that sentence and i will break your nose." she smiled.

"not again, please." steve said.

"uhm, excuse me, what do you mean by.. 'again'?" robin asked.

"oh, i broke his nose like last year."


"i punched him and my ring hit his nose."


"it really hurt."

y/n was running, but tripped over her untied shoelaces.

"i said tie your shoes." steve reprimanded.

"fine, MOM." y/n stuck her tongue out.

"don't give me attitude, y/n y/l/n."

"hey, hey, hey, hey." y/n said once he opened his door.


"you're hot." she winked.

"you drove all the way here to say that?"

"correction; i ran."

"that's like 3 miles." steve's eyes widened.

"i was motivated." she said.

"by?" the sound of a loud car caught his attention.

"that." she smiled sheepishly.

"is that--"

"yeah, it's billy." she laughed nervously.

"what'd you do?"

"i slapped him."

"what'd he do?"

"i don't know, he was just pissing me off."

"so.. you walked up to him, slapped him, then ran 3 miles to my house while getting chased by a pissed off teenage boy in a very loud, obnoxiously loud car?" steve asked.

"no.." y/n lied, but he gave her a look.


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