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Author's note: Hi! This is a XiaoLumi fanfic. I'm writing this more for myself actually, I keep on getting haunted by random scenarios about this couple and writing it down is like me facing my own demons. As far as I can remember, Xiao is the first 5⭐ banner character I got but I didn't use him because I was too intimidated about building him and I was too busy IRL. I'm now building him, I didn't know that I will enjoy his playstyle so much. After the recent Archon quest, images of Xiao and Lumine flying away from Teyvat burned in my mind. I wasn't able to control myself and gorged on any XiaoLumi videos, fan fic, and images I can find. My mind is filled with too much inspiration that I can't sleep unless I write it down (it's currently 2 am as I write this intro). Much of the story is already written but I will upload it in parts so I can still edit and rewrite before I upload. I apologize if the layout will look weird, I wrote this in my phone.




    Marjorie, the owner of With Wind Comes Glory, frantically called Lumine over. She was out of breath having ascended the steps towards the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius.

    “Oh, Marjorie! Is this about a treasure?" Paimon squeeled in delight.

    “Let me–," Marjorie coughed, “Catch my breath first.”

    Lumine opened her water container and handed it over, which Marjorie emptied in seconds. She choked on the water and Lumine tapped her in the back as she continued coughing.

    “Hey, slow down, we're not going to run away," Paimon handed her a handkerchief.

    “What is so urgent that you need to talk to us right away?” Lumine asked.

    As she regained her composure, Marjorie wiped her mouth but her eyes glow with excitement.

    “I found an Anemo flute!”

    “Anemo what?” Paimon’s forehead wrinkled in confusion.

    “Anemo flute," the shop owner smiled, “I thought it’s just a regular flute when I found this near Angel’s Share and I was about to hand it over to Charles. But upon closer inspection, the flute won’t work unless an Anemo vision holder will play it.”

    “I think I know who the owner is," Lumine giggled, “This person plays the flute, has the capacity to run an entire tavern dry, and he is the Anemo Ar–"

    “The Tone-Deaf Bard!" Paimon squealed while looking at Lumine menacingly.

    Lumine’s eyes widened in shock, she nearly said “Archon” out loud. Personally being with Archons made her think of them as her friends and she nearly forgot that the people of Teyvat worship them. These Archons that everyone reveres are the same Archons that she knows to be a drunkard, broke, and hopeless in cooking. How can someone as esteemed as the Shogun burn soup?

    “Well then I entrust this Anemo flute to you," the shop owner handed a small silk string bag, “if you do find the owner, tell him he owes me a glass of Dandelion Wine.”

    The moment that Marjorie is out of earshot, Paimon excitedly opened the bag. Inside is a wooden case which contained the flute. The case was simple but the flute looked beautiful. It is made of a dark type of wood and intricately carved with dandelions. At first glance it looks like an ordinary flute but when Paimon tries to play it, she can only make swooshing sounds.

    “Why is this flute so hard to play?” Paimon angrily said between puffs.

    “You should stop Paimon," giggled Lumine.

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