Ch. XII - Sanctuary

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Please listen to Sanctuary by Joji.


A blast of white light shatters through the storm clouds and the entire Jueyun Karst is suddenly illuminated by light, brighter than the full moon.

Zhongli stands unscathed as his domain is shattered by the sublime power of the light. He is rendered speechless but he knows this is but a fraction of the Traveler's true power.

He looks around to see Xiao, Ningguang, and Aether creating a barrier to protect the other mortals and Paimon. Zhongli knows that if he is not an Archon, he can be obliterated in an instant.

Once the light has receded, Aether looks up at the night sky searching for his twin. Lumine looks like a tiny spec, a thousand feet up in the sky, but he knows it is her.

Aether points towards the sky, "Someone needs to catch her, she's falling!"

Xiao's massive golden-tipped green wings unfurl immediately before Aether finishes talking and he shoots upwards. He flies at breakneck speed towards the direction of where Aether pointed, leaving a trail of green and black light behind him.

"If only I had my wings back!" Aether grumbles as he goes closer to Zhongli.

Zhongli turns towards him and crosses his arms, "Xiao is the best avian Adepti I know, you can trust him."

"How can I trust him when it's clear as day that he salivates at my sister?" Aether crosses his arms as well, "But I got to say, his wings look really cool."

Zhongli smiles, "I think so too."

The wind begins to pick up as he flies further. After flying several thousand feet, he finally catches sight of Lumine, surrounded by innumerable red threads as she falls. He catches her effortlessly but she lay motionless in his arms. The threads slowly disintegrate, like smoke in the wind.

His mind races as he checks the Traveler, "Lumine! Please wake up, please!"

As he descends into the valley below, Xiao shyly places his ear over her chest and he hears her weak pulse, her eyelashes flutter as her eyes slowly open.


"I'm here."


"I'm here, Lumine."


"I will always be here, Lumine."

Lumine's hand slowly touches Xiao's cheeks and he closes his eyes as he leans towards her palm.

" You're alright," when he opens his eyes again, he sees her smiling at him, "that was close, please stop doing reckless things like that."

"I will do that all over again for you," Lumine runs her thumb across his cheek, "I will always choose you."

"I will always choose you too, Lumine." Xiao whispers, "Always."

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