Bonus Chapter: Smoke and Mirrors part 2

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The smell of fried rice wakes Lumine up, she looks around while rubbing her eyes and yawns. When she realizes that Xiao is no longer beside her, she immediately runs out and bumps into him. Before she can fall, Xiao pulls her arm and he smiles brightly at her.

"Good morning," Xiao smiles widely. "Where are you going?"

Lumine's jaw drops and her eyes don't leave his face. He's... smiling? And he looks so happy even with all of the bandages wrapped around his torso. When she finally regains her balance, Xiao embraces her and she hugs him tighter.


"I'm sorry, I forgot!" Lumine pushes herself slightly away.

"If I die in your arms, I don't think I will mind," Xiao chuckles. "I think that will be the best way to go."

"Stop with this dark joke."

Joke? Xiao is joking and smiling? Lumine looks directly into his eyes and Xiao's amber eyes stare back. Maybe he just wants a change of phase, or maybe because it's his...

"Happy birthday, Xiao."

"Mhm," Xiao nuzzles his head on the crook of her neck. "Thank you."

Lumine can't help but wonder why he's acting like this. And it becomes even weirder when he sets the table for her breakfast: egg fried rice, stir fried vegetables, and braised chicken. The Traveler eats what her lover gives, every dish flavorful and perfectly seasoned. Didn't he say that he prefers mild food?

"Are you busy today?" Xiao asks while he scoops some soup, "Because if you're free I would like to go out on a date with you."

"I was planning on cooking some new recipes that I learned from Sumeru for you," Lumine says in between bites. "But if that's what you want to do for your birthday then I don't mind."

Paimon enters the dining area, slowly floating while rubbing her eyes. She jolts awake when she smells the food and sees the breakfast on the table.

"Wow! Lumine, thank you for cooking!"

Paimon floats down and sits when she realizes that Xiao is handing her a bowl of chicken and tofu soup. She shrieks and drops her utensils on the floor.

"Xiao?! Are you the one who made all of this? How are your injuries? Are you really feeling better now?" Paimon asks as she takes the bowl of soup, "Wow, this smells incredible!"

As Paimon continues to eat, Lumine and Xiao plan their date. As long as they don't go to very crowded areas, Xiao should be fine.

"Are you really sure that you should be going out?" Lumine asks as they wash the dishes. "You were badly injured last night and I don't want you to push yourself just to celebrate. We can always do this some other time."

"But some other time is not my birthday," Xiao pouts. "Besides, I want to really live in the moment since we don't know how much time we have..."

Xiao looks outside and sees a band of hilichurls in the distance. He excuses himself and goes to fight. As Lumine finishes her chores, Paimon pulls her aside.

Paimon whispers, "Don't you think Xiao is acting very suspicious? He's cooking and chatting, and he smiles a lot! He must be really looking forward to his birthday!"

"He's Xiao," Lumine whispers back. "He may not believe it but he is Xiao."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"Smoke and mirrors, Paimon."

"Nahida has really influenced you!" Paimon grumbles, "You're even starting to talk like her!"

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