Bonus Chapter - Echo

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Paimon floats slowly beside Lumine as they walk around Liyue Harbor. It's been a few days after Lantern Rite has ended and they decided to stay in Liyue for a while, Lumine is secretly helping Yelan with keeping the security around Liyue in check.

Before Lumine and Paimon can enter Wanmin Restaurant, a strong gust of wind stops them. Xiao arrives, slowly taking his mask off, and approaches the duo. Lumine gives him a warm smile and his cheeks blush immediately.

Seeing how Xiao blushes makes Lumine want to tease him more. "Hello, my love."

Xiao's eyes widens and he is temporarily stunned. "Huh? You.. You called me–"

Lumine gives him a very flirtatious wink and says, "My love."

Paimon floats a little to the side, clearly enjoying their banter. If she has some popcorn, she would definitely be munching on some right now.

Xiao scratches the back of his head as his cheeks redden even more. His flustered face amuses Lumine so much, she can't help but giggle. Her cute laugh is music to his ears and he tries his hardest not to smile.

"How can you just blurt out something like that," Xiao asks, "like you don't care if others hear you, especially Paimon."

"Because I'm not ashamed to call you 'my love' and if I can shout to the world how much I love you–!"

Xiao takes a huge step and closes the gap between him and Lumine, placing his palm over her mouth to shut her up. His face is so flustered as he looks around the area.

Paimon is giggling at the side, finally eating some popcorn, provided by Xianling. The young chef then invites Paimon, Lumine, and Xiao at the back of the restaurant so they can have lunch in private. Though Xiao is now more open to spending time with others, he still couldn't be careless and hurt someone because of his dark karma. The Adeptus pulls out chairs for Lumine and Paimon before sitting down himself; Zhongli taught him that a gentleman usually does these things. Lumine shyly sits down while Paimon has her head held high, clearly enjoying Xiao's treatment. Soon, Xianling arrives and sets down more dishes than what can fit the table.

Once Paimon is satisfied, which took a huge amount of food, she requests Lumine for the Serenitea Pot.

Paimon yawns and says, "I just want to sleep a lot after eating so much good food!"

"Yeah, you ate a lot," Lumine replies while taking out the Serenitea Pot. "Xianling, is it okay if you take this with you for a while?"

Xianling nods as she takes the Adeptal gadget. "Of course it's okay! I actually want to ask if I can also join Paimon inside, I want to practice using my polearm for a while."

Gouba comes out holding a water container which Xianling takes. "Thank you Gouba! Do you want to join me on my training?"

The adorable Stove God nods, his cute head bobbing up and down. Lumine hands the Serenitea Pot over to her friend, and she watches as Paimon and Xianling enter the gadget. Once they are alone, Xiao slowly takes Lumine's hands. The Traveler's cheeks redden when he makes their fingers interlock.

Xiao asks, "Are you busy?"

"No, I just finished some work with Yelan."

"Can you come with me for a while?" Xiao stands up while still holding her hand, "I wanted to take you somewhere but you were too busy."

"But someone needs to watch over the Serenitea Pot," Lumine stands up as well. "I can't leave this lying alone."

Zhongli suddenly says, "I can do that for you."

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