Chapter VII: Happiness and Despair

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While Xiao helped Zhongli sit down, Lumine heard Ningguang order her guards for more chairs.

"It's quite refreshing to see you wear a different dress," Ningguang looked all over the Traveler, "You look cute in that one but this cheongsam makes you look gorgeous."

Lumine can only blush in response and for some reason, Xiao (who was eavesdropping) blushed too. She saw that the high collar of Ningguang's dress was undone.

Then she saw small red and pink marks across Ningguang's neck and upper shoulder. Who has the audacity to give Lady Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, love marks?!

The Tianquan noticed her eyes slowly opening wider and she realized that she forgot to fix her collar. She gave Lumine a playful wink as she fixed her dress.

Lumine stared at Ningguang as realization hit her. No way...

Ningguang shot a glance at Zhongli, which was caught by the Traveler. She couldn't believe it. Out of all the people in the world...

The additional chairs were soon set up and Ningguang ordered for more food and drinks. The four of them had their own little party as the festivities at the ground floor continued. Ningguang also told Lumine that Paimon was taken to the Jade Chamber and she invited her to stay there as well.

Lumine noticed how Ningguang and Zhongli would converse, the Tianquan didn't hold back on flirting with him and he actually flirts with her back. Xiao was astonished at his Archon's actions but decided to not interfere when Zhongli gave him a warning look.

Underneath the table though, he rubbed his thumb along Lumine's palm, making small and large circles.

"So does this mean that both of you are going to start a relationship?" Zhongli suddenly asked.

Xiao nearly spat his drink, Lumine was about to remove her hand but he held on tighter. He looked straight into his Archon's eyes.

"I have no experience in dealing with mortal relations but if Lumine will choose to be with me then I'll do my best to make her happy," he replied with confidence.

Zhongli's heart warmed up, he was so proud that his Yaksha finally made a decision for himself. He placed a hand on Ningguang's knee and gave a light squeeze. She smiled at him as she took his hand, and Xiao's eyes widened even more. Why is Morax like this, he's clearly under her spell!

Xiao quietly observed how Zhongli and Ningguang would look at each other and he noticed that the Tianquan would be meek and shy when she would always be unrelenting and impeccable. So is she the one under his spell?

The Yaksha just looked over Lumine and sighed, he would rather enjoy this moment they have than to over analyse the actions of his Archon and the Tianquan.

Xiao has to admit though, he is actually having a great time.

Later that night when they were finally alone again on the balcony, Xiao danced with Lumine while Ningguang was helping Zhongli at the elevator. Xiao cherished the moment they had alone as he twirled Lumine around. Her laughter was music to his ears and his heart was bursting with happiness. He couldn't count how many times they kissed as he leaned in to give her another one.

If only this moment will last forever.


Zhongli looked over the scenery, he stood at the edge of the floating pavilion of the Jade Chamber and underneath him was a full view of Liyue. He discreetly used his power as he looked for anyone that might be acting suspicious. He crossed his arms over and let out a deep sigh.

"You should rest, we've been searching for five days now and I haven't seen you sleep," Ningguang approached him and took his hand.

"I am responsible for why this happened," Zhongli gave her hand a light squeeze, "I can never forgive myself if something terrible happens to her."

The Geo Archon never felt so angry and lost. He did everything he can while being covert and he's at the point where he just wants to openly use his power. Zhongli is a very patient man but right now he is very pisse*.

Lumine has been missing for five days now. The last time they saw her was when she helped him go to his room on the second floor of Wangsheng funeral parlor together with a Millelith soldier. Ningguang was suddenly called by Yelan during that time to discuss something urgent and Lumine told her that she will soon head over to the Jade Chamber. She never did.

That Millelith soldier, Huanghun, also disappeared with her but their records show that there was nothing suspicious about him. One of their theories is that both of them were ambushed before they could arrive at the Jade Chamber. Nobody saw the Traveler and the soldier before they disappeared.

Zhongli even went as far as to ask for Venti's help and they still can't locate her.

A flash of green and black appeared next to them. Xiao stopped himself from bowing before Zhongli, after seeing him with Ningguang.

The Yaksha looked over the horizon as well. He promised that he will protect her and now they don't know where she is. He would always tug at their connection whenever he's searching for her but he wasn't able to get a response, even a tiny pull. Xiao has combed through Liyue and he wasn't able to find a single trace of her.

Paimon slowly floated towards them, her eyes red from constantly crying and bawling, followed by Keqing and Yelan. Keqing looked at Xiao expectedly and he shook his head in response.

They couldn't publicly announce that the Traveler is missing, a Millelith soldier was the last person she was seen with when they helped the inebriated Zhongli back to the funeral parlor. Aside from Hu Tao's description of the man, they have no leads about him at all. Yelan checked him and the soldier's public records are genuine. They can't risk spreading the news that one of their soldiers might've abducted the Traveler who helped save Liyue.

"We haven't asked the Fatui yet, right?" Paimon said in between sobs. "Maybe they are behind this!"

"I have been monitoring their movements, Paimon. And I haven't seen anything unusual from them," Yelan patted her back.


The whole party looked at Xiao who was suddenly in deep thought.

"There was a Fatui agent that I confronted before. He was snooping around an area where an old evil god is sealed.", Xiao looked at Zhongli. "My old master.

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