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He feels the raindrops on his skin, large pelting drops unrelentless in their assault. His body aches all over and he feels so, so cold.

Suddenly, through his eyelids, he can see a bright flash of light.

His Hydro Vision and Electro Delusion glow at the same time and he feels a sharp pain in his heart, like someone has taken his heart and squeezed it. 


Tartaglia lets out an ear splitting scream as the pain in his heart doubled. He rolled around the mud, gasping for air. His reality shatters into a million pieces like a mirror and the pain in his heart is doubled again. This time, he let the pain in, Instead of thrashing around, he just lay on the ground, clutching his chest.

In an instant, the pain and the storm are both gone.

A tall man wearing a coffee-coloured long coat walks towards Tartaglia’s location, his hands on his pockets as he hummed a merry tune. His coat sways from side-to-side and there is a glint of interest in his bright green eyes. The man stops walking and he leans down closer to Tartaglia.

A blade made from Hydro is suddenly poised at the newcomer’s neck, leaving a small slice of wound.

The tall man is unfazed and gives Tartaglia a small smile.

“It’s very rare for a mortal to survive a Refraction,” the man holds out a hand, “Can you stand?”

Tartaglia doesn’t sense anything wrong with him so he accepts the man’s offer. His knees nearly gives up as he stands and the tall man places Tartaglia’s arms around his shoulder to help him.

“What is your name, boy?”

There is something flirtatious about the man’s very deep voice, as if it’s drawing him in. Tartaglia notices the same flowers that Lumine has in her hair on the man’s coat, like a boutonniere. He nearly passes out again when both of them finally stand.

“Tartaglia, eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers code name Childe,” he struggles to reply, “But please call me Childe.”

The man gives him a small smile, “Childe.”

They walk slowly towards a Teleport Waypoint. His new companion’s silence is making Childe nervous. He can feel the man’s shoulders through his coat and he knows that this dude must be so ripped.

“By the way, my name is Antoine Étoile. I am the Foreign Affairs Diplomat of the Court of Fontaine.”

“What is the Foreign Affairs Diplomat of the Court of Fontaine doing in the middle of nowhere in Liyue?”

“You see,” the man’s deep voice is making Childe feel hot, “I mentioned that it’s very rare for a mortal to survive a Refraction and I felt your passing through so I immediately went here to check if you are alive.”

“I don’t understand…”

“Childe, you are currently in another universe. This can be similar to the one where you came from or entirely different.”

The two men look at each other when they have reached the Teleport Waypoint. Childe looks at him closer and is surprised to see such an attractive man, probably in his 30s. His black curly hair pairs really well with his bespectacled emerald eyes and his demeanor makes him look regal. 

“I’ll explain more, it’s best if you stay with me for a while.”

Childe can’t help but feel that it is not an invitation but a threat. He can feel the goosebumps in his back as Antoine gives him a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.

Antoine reaches out to the Waypoint and they are gone.


Please join Tartaglia as he helps Aether, Lumine and Heizou on their commission regarding the case of missing Vision holders at Tsurumi Island in "Reflections in the Fog."

Reflections in the Fog will start around September, please continue supporting my work!

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