Chapter II: Connection

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Chapter II: Connection

The area around Wangshu Inn typically has a lot of people passing by, it is never a quiet place. This day is very special too, the inn attendants are busy preparing and decorating for the dinner party and some Millelith soldiers are around the area as well. The noisy atmosphere is filled with joy and laughter.

Xiao and Lumine suddenly appeared at the foot of the inn and there was a sudden hush of silence.

Some of the Millelith soldiers have seen the Vigilant Yaksha in battle while other guests have heard of rumors regarding an Adeptus staying at the inn. The attendants of Wangshu Inn have seen the Adeptus multiple times but he never appears wearing a hanfu. There is a collective gasp and salutations to the Conqueror of Demons, fist placed in their chests as they respectfully bow.

The Yaksha didn't bother giving them attention, he knows too well how some people treat Adepti today. Most treat the Adepti as wish granters or beings who impart wisdom, and Xiao knows he is neither of those. He sensed the Traveler's nervousness so he quickly ushered her away towards the Stone Gate.

Once the couple is out of earshot, the people at the inn resume their activities but the energy of the crowd is different. In hushed voices they talk about the Conqueror of Demons, the soldiers exchange stories of how he battled demons while the others talk about his appearance and demeanor. Some grew quiet, specially those who have never seen an Adeptus, and offered a silent prayer. The guests who doubted stories about Liyue's Adepti are silenced, his graceful appearance just showed how the people of Liyue are right to revere such beings.

Xiao walked leisurely towards the bridge as Lumine followed. They are almost the same height but the way that Xiao carried himself with calm grace during the situation a while ago is something she can never do, her knees would've buckled at that moment. She knows how stoic Xiao is, one of his characteristics that she likes about him, but something about an Adeptus, the Conqueror of Demons, appearing in front of a crowd in this beautiful white and teal hanfu must be a special moment to those people at the inn. Xiao felt the nervous aura around Lumine vanished.

"People were admiring you," Lumine proudly whispered.

Xiao stopped to look at his companion, "People always gawk at me but I have noticed their attitude awhile ago is different."

"Maybe because of your clothes," the Traveler walked past him.

"I will never understand why humans are so obsessed with clothing."

"Your hanfu suits you very well, you look different in a good way."

He did look different and Lumine thought that Xiao is one of those people who look really good but never care. Effortlessly beautiful and graceful. She remembers how he fights gracefully like he is dancing with his blade. Lumine would sometimes practice inside the Serenitea Pot in front of a mirror but she can never replicate how Xiao moves when he fights.

They arrived at the Stone Gate and after looking around, saw the patch of mint near the river. Lumine can't help stealing glances at Xiao, his calm face fits the hanfu too well. If only he wore it more often, but she knows it will only hinder his movements when he fights demons. She started gathering the mint with Xiao watching her dainty fingers pick the leaves.

Xiao is puzzled by the sudden change of people's perspective of him. Just by changing his clothing, everyone looked like they were not afraid of his presence. He looked at the Traveler, who was sneakily looking at him at that moment and shyly looked away when she was caught, and he is certain that she has never looked at him with fear or disgust. Xiao continued staring at Lumine, lost in his thoughts. Maybe she's not afraid because she is from another world. But even when she learned about Xiao's cruel past, she has never changed the way she looked at him. Her light amber eyes would always have that warm gaze, similar to what she is doing right now, as if she sees something in his eyes that he can't fathom.

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