Chapter IX: Tartaglia's Wish

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❗❗TW: abduction, sexual abuse, violence, smut, mindfuck

There's a part where the abuse is described in detail so if you are not comfortable with it, you can check the SFW version which will be uploaded at HoYoLab (

You have been warned.


It is around 3am and a small group of Fatui soldiers huddle around a discreet location in Yaoguang Shoal, almost near Dragonspine. They patiently wait as a small boat approaches.

Soon enough, the group kneels as a young man walks down a makeshift stairs. The group stays kneeling while one of them hands a black cloak at the newcomer which he quickly wears and pulls up the hood to hide his orange hair.

"How's everybody?", the man asks.

"Here's the reports about our recent activities sir Childe, including the rescue attempts at The Chasm."

Childe, also known as Tartaglia, takes the report and quickly browses through it as the other soldiers remain kneeling.

He walks past them, "I'll read this report later, let's go."

The group walks toward a small camp in Mingyun Village and Childe immediately notices an air of excitement. It's been too long since he was able to set foot in Liyue but he needs to be as discreet as he can.

The other Fatui soldiers kneel before him and he waves them off. Once inside his own tent, Childe takes off the cloak and sits down to rest.

A Pyro Agent quietly enters his tent, much to his annoyance. He better report something good.

"Nikolai, at your service," the Agent kneels.

Childe rests his chin on his hand, "I want to rest."

"This is something that I think you need to know sir Childe," Nikolai's voice trembles.

"This better be good."

Nikolai looks at Childe, "I was able to apprehend the Traveler last night."

Childe tried to look bored but Nikolai saw a glint of interest in his eyes.

"She is currently tied up in a tent at my camp at Lingju Pass. I was able to easily take over her sir!" Nikolai suddenly stands up and he starts to pace around the room, "It was so easy... I was able to poison her and her companion with a mist made of strychnine and my Pyro Delusion. The Wangsheng funeral consultant was also affected I guess. My undercover work as a Millelith guard for a year has finally paid off!"

Childe sits up straight, this guy was able to get both the Traveler and Zhongli?


Nikolai's eyes lit up in glee, "They both came home from a party at the Wangshu Inn, the Traveler was helping that consultant home when I volunteered to help them out. It was the best opportunity sir, they had drunk a lot and the consultant was nearly out of it. I never thought I would have that chance so I grabbed it!"

The Agent excitedly shows Childe the vial of strychnine that he used to poison the two, he also reports that he took the Traveler to his camp and the Traveler's condition has improved.

"What is the purpose of this Nikolai?" Childe takes out a dagger and he casually twirls it in his fingers, "Did I give you any order to subdue those two?"

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