Chapter XI: The Goddess that Seals and Binds the Heart

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Xiao is thrown off the domain with unnatural force and he scrambles on his feet to rush back in. He can't open the domain doors no matter how hard he tries.


His desperate cries are silenced by the storm. Aether rushes towards him, a glint of murder in his eyes.

"What the hell happened, Yaksha?" Aether grabs Xiao's arm, "Where is my sister?!"

Xiao can't look in his eyes, it reminds him too much of Lumine's and he feels more guilty. The entire situation should be blamed on him. If only he continued to serve Jiasuo...

Aether sends the Adeptus flying with a punch and he jumps over Xiao readying his fist. He continues punching Xiao until his knuckles split open and their blood mixes in the heavy downpour. Xiao lets Lumine's twin do as he wishes, he doesn't have any strength left to fight. It is his fault that Lumine is involved in this, so he should take responsibility and let her twin release all of his pent-up anger.

The storm continues for ten minutes or so before Aether finally calms down and sits on the ground beside Xiao. He closes his eyes and looks upwards, letting the rain wash away his tears.

Xiao whispers, "I'm sorry."

"I know you are." Aether whispers back, "Can you tell me everything that happened?"

And so Xiao begins to tell the story about a mortal who can see the threads of fate.


Lumine opens her eyes and all she can see is a vast blue sky with fluffy white clouds around her. She must be standing in water because the floor also reflects the sky and ripples appear whenever she steps, but it doesn't feel wet at all. Her clothes are back to the same white dress and float around her like they have been washed, there's no smell of anything wrong or out of place. 

"Hello?" She calls out tentatively, not sure if someone will respond, or even if anyone is nearby

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"Hello?" She calls out tentatively, not sure if someone will respond, or even if anyone is nearby.

Lumine remembers the events inside Zhongli's domain and the pain she felt when she plunged her sword to her heart. She instinctively touched her chest to check for any wounds but her skin is smooth without any marks.

She slowly walks forward, with no direction in mind. She remembers how Xiao doesn't like standing around doing nothing. Lumine smiles as her tears start to fall. She planned to ask Zhongli if she can bring him together with Aether towards the Sea of Stars and maybe that can help remove the accumulated dark Karma in him. Whenever she and Aether travel across different worlds, the warm light from the Sea of Stars will heal them and cleanse their hearts. 

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