Bonus Chapter: Smoke and Mirrors (part 1)

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 Paimon glides around as Lumine leisurely walks behind, her footsteps echoing across the cave. Though it's quite dark, her Lumenstone shines brightly. They just have saved Apep from the Apocalypse and hearing about the Dragon King has piqued Lumine's interests. She immediately told Paimon that she wanted to meet Zhongli and after saying goodbye to Nahida, they quickly headed to Liyue.

Though she knows it's not the most favorable traveling condition, Lumine wants to have some questions answered right away, and some things are not meant to be asked through letters.

It also happens that Xiao's birthday is coming up and Lumine wants to celebrate with him. Of course he will just brush off any plans to celebrate, but she has learned a lot of new recipes from Sumeru and she wants to cook for Xiao.

"By the way," Paimon asks as she turns around. "Do you really need to be here? We've traveled to Sumeru and Liyue before so we don't really need an escort."

Someone steps closer to Lumine, "Lesser Lord Kusanali is the one who asked me to accompany you and make sure that both of you will be able to reach Liyue safely. And she also asked me for something more important so really, you are not my priority."

Wanderer crosses his arms over, eyeing Paimon with a frown. He was on his way to the House of Daena when Nahida stopped him earlier and now he's here. Paimon frowns back at him before huffing and turning around.

"It's better to travel with a group though," Lumine remarks. "And I don't plan to stop and camp. I want to reach Liyue tonight, if we can."

"I told you I can just carry you so we can fly to Liyue but you don't want that," Wanderer sighs. "And you also don't want to use the Teleport Waypoint. What are you really planning?"

"Nothing," Lumine lies.

Wanderer just rolls his eyes and walks faster while Lumine shrugs and follows her two companions. It's late afternoon when they exit the cave, the sky a mixture of pink, orange, and violet. The trio stops to look at the breathtaking view, even Wanderer's eyes widen in wonder. Lumine smiles at him, and she's quite surprised when he shyly smiles back.

The reason why Lumine doesn't want to use a Waypoint is because she wants Wanderer to see this. Even though she's still quite apprehensive about him, everybody deserves a second chance.

"I will be picking up some qingxin flowers," Lumine says as she heads off. "Just a few will do."

She wants to surprise Xiao and has opted not to tell him she'll be home. When she calls his name later at their home near the Stone Gate, Lumine hopes that he'll be happy to see her.

The climb up was tiring but after getting a bunch of Qingxin flowers, Lumine starts to head down. Suddenly, the part where she's standing collapses and she starts to fall. Without time to conjure her glider, she braces for impact, twisting her body so she'll fall on her back. Lumine calls out for Wanderer, in the name she gave him, and he zooms in.

"Gotcha! Why are you so reckless for a bunch of flowers?!"

Wanderer holds her close, carrying her with ease. Lumine gives him a wide smile as she thanks him, which causes him to look away.

"Thanks, I thought I was done for!" Lumine says as she laughs, "I'm sorry I called your name out loud."

Somehow, Wanderer can't look at her when he whispers, "I don't mind. You can call me by my name anytime. And besides, you are the one who named me."

"Look! Isn't it so beautiful up here?" Lumine says as she points at her favorite spots in the Chasm. "Someday, let's go over the highest spot with Nahida!"

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