The Traveler's Contract (Zhongli POV Side Story)

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     I have been around Liyue harbor for quite some time now, after deciding to live my life as a mortal. Most of my days are spent working as a consultant for Wangsheng funeral parlor but my clients are usually folks who need guidance regarding ancient articles.

     I grew accustomed to the work; it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I actually enjoy it, being able to share my knowledge and correct wrong information. I planned that I would not associate myself with anyone intimately, but right now I am very pleased that my plan did not work. 

     I am now involved with Ningguang, the Tianquan of the current Liyue Qixing. I know we share a common goal–to ensure that this city remains safe and prosperous. And that night at the Wangshu Inn proved that we see each other as more than acquaintances, the love marks I left on her neck and shoulder is proof. I never thought that I would be so bold to do such a thing but I guess my mortal need of desire has taken over my mind during that night. It should've been a great moment, my Yaksha Xiao also finally let someone in his heart. However what happened afterwards is nothing but despair and hopelessness.

     I am certain that my own actions have led to this situation. The Traveler assisted me home in my inebriated state and that was the last time someone ever saw her. And the problem is, I can't remember anything that happened that night. I don't even remember the face of the Millelith guard that helped us and now, Lumine and that guard are gone. Nobody knows if she was abducted by the guard or if they are both incapacitated. It's been a day already and no one has heard from her or the guard.

    I remember yesterday when I learned about her status: I woke up feeling an unbearable pain in my head, I called Alatus and he immediately responded, he bowed respectfully and I was about to invite him for dinner when he cut me off.

     "Lumine is missing."

     "Didn't she say she will be at the Jade Chamber?"

     Xiao took a deep breath, "We were supposed to meet for lunch but she never came. I went to look for her but Ganyu came to me first and she told me that Lumine never went to the Jade Chamber after she helped you here. They also do not know the whereabouts of the guard who helped you last night. I'm afraid that something bad has happened."

     My hands began shaking uncontrollably. I tried to control myself, my head hurts, it's starting to spin. I felt sick, "Nobody saw her or the guard?"

     "No one. Do you remember anything unusual when they helped you to your room?"

     My mind is blank, "Yes.. Let me think..."

     Xiao's expression turned stern, "Do you want me to contact Lady Ningguang?"

     "No, no I'm fine. I think this is just a hangover," I sat down and looked at Xiao, "You need to go and look for the Traveler."

     "If you remember anything important that happened last night, please let me know," he started walking away then stopped to look at me, "Are you sure that you are alright?"

     I nodded, still feeling dizzy. 

     Xiao sighed, "You look really bad."

     "I remember walking into some sort of mist or fog when we arrived here. Then everything became blank. I woke up in my bed though so my first thought was that everything is okay."

     My head spinned and my vision blurred, Xiao helped me stand up and I nearly ran towards the toilet. He stood outside the toilet door as I puked. I have lived for a long, long time and this is the first time I felt really sick. This mortal body's constitution is too weak. 

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