Chapter VIII: The Goddess of Seals

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     "Wait, you mean to say you also take care of the seal of the one who enslaved you?" Paimon floated towards Xiao.

     Ningguang didn't know about that information. Stories about the Yakshas and Adepti are either absurd folk tales or real, this one is genuine information. She leaned in a bit closer to listen, and Zhongli noticed her interest. If she wanted to know she could've just asked him…

     Xiao eyed the talkative floating girl. "Yes, I am the one who checks almost all sealed gods, including that god. Their hatred is transformed into dark Karma and only I can withstand it."

     "But we don't know for sure if you are the only one," Keqing challenged, "No offense, Conqueror of Demons, but the exorcists of Liyue are now better equipped than their predecessors. We don't know how capable they can be because you never gave them the chance."

     "If they can carry the burden and pain of Karmic debt then introduce them to me," Xiao crossed his arms over, "But once they go insane from the corruption then I'll be the one to end them."

    The Vigilant Yaksha and the Yuheng eyed each other intensely. Keqing believes that the current generation of exorcists and thaumaturges can at least help with maintaining the seals from slain ancient gods. Xiao doesn't want these innocent people to bear the consequences of being exposed to evil beings. They silently sized each other up, the tension from the last few days fueling their anger.

     "Let us have this discussion some other day," Zhongli sighed, "If the Yuheng wants to learn how to subdue the demons and take care of the seals of the ancient gods then I will help you to the best of my abilities."

     "Thank you, Mister Zhongli."

     Ningguang saw how Keqing fumbled her fingers together and felt a wave of jealousy over her. The Yuheng has a crush on her Zhongli. But those feelings are petty, surely he wouldn't give her any attention since he already marked her. Mine.

     Xiao shot him a look and Ningguang observed how the Yaksha looked as if he was betrayed. She was continuously studying the way that these two would interact and she knows that the Conqueror of Demons follows the word of the funeral consultant. There really is more to Zhongli than he lets on.

     Ningguang closed her eyes as the other's continued their discussion about how the Yaksha should teach the exorcists on how to subdue demons. She would be lying to herself if she won't admit how fascinated she is of that man, whenever she learns something new about him it will include more questions than answers. 

     Zhongli was looking at her when she turned to look at him, even if he was discussing with the others. She felt that deep pull again, like a moth to flame. During the past few days that they have been searching for Lumine he stayed at the Jade Chamber. Ningguang also felt guilty, she knows it's not the right time but she enjoyed being in his company. During the twilight hours when it was Xiao and the other Adepti's time to search, Zhongli would quietly come to her room. When she wakes up at dawn, he would already be searching for Lumine elsewhere. She knows that Zhongli hasn't slept for the past few days but he never showed any sign of fatigue. The last time she saw him debilitated was when he drank too much at the Wangshu Inn party.

     Ningguang thinks she's going crazy, she can even see him in her dreams.

     Zhongli would watch her breathing become slower and deeper as she finally succumbs to sleep. He would then use his power to manifest in her dreams as he gently stroked her hair. Once the sun starts to rise, he will discreetly exit from her room. He would need to pretend that he sleeps with her, so that the other mortals won't be suspicious. One of her secretaries will always look at him angrily though, whenever she sees him. He swore he saw her mouth curse words at him once when Ningguang's back was turned at her.

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