Bonus Chapter - The Forest Watcher And The Yaksha

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I forgot to upload this here! Sorry!
This happens before "Echo"


"Master Tighnari, he's there again!"


"The weird guy from Liyue that we met at the border."

Tighnari pauses from writing in his notebook to look at the other Forest Watcher. This has been a concern for the Forest Watchers lately, a man from Liyue apparently goes around the borders of Liyue and Sumeru. They say the man looks dangerous but will never cross the border.

"It's about time I face that lummox," Tighnari sighs, "And he still doesn't say what he needs?"

"No, sir."

"Still not crossing the border?"

"He is currently at the entrance to the cave towards Liyue's Chasm, the closest he has ever been, but he still won't cross the border."

"Stay here, I'll go alone later."

The other Forest Watcher starts to protest but Tighnari silences him. 

"If you don't trust my combat abilities, then bring another Forest Watcher with you but stay out of sight. We don't need too much manpower just to ask a weirdo some questions."

"But what if he is actually dangerous?"

Tighnari sighs for the second time, "Then that's when we'll fight. But as long as he is not hostile I want you to stay out of sight."

A green haired Forest Watcher trai*nee runs towards them followed by a floating girl. The two catch up to Tighnari as he orders the other Forest Watcher to start preparing.

"The Traveler still hasn't woken up," Paimon sobbed, "It's been a day already! Please tell me she will not die! Paimon will be very, very sad if she dies!"

"Paimon," Tighnari sighs for the third time today, "I told you that her c o n d i t i o n can only stabilize once we have completely cleansed her body of the effects of the incense. You have to be patient."

"But she doesn't even move!"

"Of course she won't move, she's unconscious. Have you seen an unconscious person dancing?"

Paimon thinks for a second, "I haven't."

Tighnari stops himself mid-sigh. He already did three today, if he adds more then he might use up all of his 'sigh-plies'. His puns are getting bad, Cyno will be so proud of him.

"I'm about to give her medicine," he starts to walk towards his hut, "Lunch is being served as well. Collei, accompany Paimon and have lunch then gather some mint leaves and drop them at my hut later."

Collei salutes, "Understood, Master Tighnari."

He heads toward his hut briskly. The Traveler and Paimon have been the talk of the Forest Watchers lately, everyone has been curious about the Traveler in particular because of her reaction to the Spirit Borneol. Even Tighnari is curious, most people will react to it with dizziness and slight nausea but this woman is still unconscious a day after being exposed to the incense.

His footsteps are light as he enters his hut, closing the door behind him as quietly as he can. Tighnari takes out a chart on his desk, showing details about the Traveler's well-being for the last 24 hours. He sits down on the edge of his bed, exhausted. He has been monitoring her for a day now and even honeyed dates can't give him energy anymore.

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