Side Story: Zhongli and Ningguang

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Author's note:
Hi. 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋
Do you see those lemon emojis? That's because THIS IS A LEMON.
If you are uncomfortable with explicit and detailed smut then this is your chance to stop.

This is the SFW version:

If you still plan on reading, then enjoy ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

The Traveler's Contract Side Story- Ningguang and Zhongli

Lady Ningguang walked with a small but elite group of Millelith soldiers towards Dihua Marsh. She has been invited by Verr Goldet and Huai'an for their wedding anniversary party. She actually didn't plan on going but a request from Verr changed her mind.


"May I be as bold to make another personal request?" Verr nearly whispered.

"Hmmm?", Ningguang placed her fingers on her chin. This should be interesting.

"I want to request for a cheongsam."

"Sure, let me call Baishi to have your measurements--"

"It's not for me, it's for the Traveler."

Ningguang's eyes sparkled. This is interesting. She beckoned Verr to talk further.

"The Traveler has provided great assistance to me and Huai'an dealing with my commissions around Dihua Marsh. But she helps me best when it's about the Conqueror of Demons", Verr nervously twiddled her fingers.

The inn owner is very rarely nervous, her work for the Tianquan made her really good at keeping up with appearances and controlling her emotions but being with Lady Ningguang is a different situation. She always feels like her employer knows more about her than she does and that drives her to never lie about anything. Verr also knows that she is very interested with Lumine, knowing how the Traveler has saved Liyue even if she wasn't a citizen. She has heard a rumor that Lumine is actually not from Teyvat, but out of politeness she didn't dare ask.

"Lumine will always visit the Vigilant Yaksha whenever she does commissions for me and I have observed that the Conqueror of Demons is very fond of her."

"How so?"

"He smiles, Lady Ningguang. He smiles at her when she's around or whenever he eats something she made. His mood will shift so differently whenever the Traveler drops by," Verr whispered, "and it's very fascinating to see him open up to somebody."

Ningguang started to write something, "Well then I think I need to make some arrangements, I need to be at your party."

The Tianquan wrote a plan for the Adeptus and the Traveler. Verr quietly waited but she can see how animated Lady Ningguang's eyes are. She is a bit sad that her boss is more excited to play match-maker than to attend her party but she also suspected that Lady Ningguang did the same to her and Huai'an. Verr had an idea but she isn't sure if her plan is enough. She saw her boss walking over to her.

"So what do you say we make this party unforgettable?" The Tianquan handed Verr a paper where she was writing her plan, "Baishi..."

One of her personal secretaries appeared, "Yes Lady Ningguang?"

"I need a dress for Lumine," she continued writing, "Something that looks mature but still very simple. She is the kind of person that doesn't like extravagance..."

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