Bonus Chapter - "After Party"

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This is a smut, of course I won't finish the story without a scene from Xiao and Lumine.

"You'll be leaving Liyue in three days," Xiao says as he helps Lumine wash the dishes, "I want to give something to you before you go."

"Hmm?" Lumine handed him over another plate, "What is it?"


Lumine nearly drops the plate she's holding. Does this mean he...

She tries to act dumb, "What do you mean 'me', aren't we in a relationship now?" 

"I mean to say..." Xiao sighs, "Just come with me to the pond."

Paimon is already snoring in Lumine's bedroom, tired from the party, as they continue their chores quietly. But the tension in the air is so thick, Lumine finds it hard to breathe. 

She becomes hypersensitive to every movement that Xiao makes, her throat feels so parched and she quickly drinks a glass of water but it doesn't quench her thirst.

Once the couple is done, Xiao goes to his room to get something, he comes out with two towels.

Xiao gives her a shy smile, "Night swim?"

Lumine is actually very tired at that moment but looking at Xiao's shy face jolts her awake. She takes his hand as they quietly leave the house and go down towards the pond.

The night is too humid without a breeze blowing and Lumine actually planned to take a shower before sleeping. Once they are at the pond, they stand awkwardly staring in different directions.

"I don't sense anyone around so I think we can swim." Xiao starts to undress.

Lumine can only look at her partner as he strips, leaving only a tiny piece of clothing covering his lower body. His pale skin gleams in the moonlight, his muscles ripple slightly as he moves.

'He's so beautiful.'

Xiao steps on the pond to test the water temperature, it isn't very cold, and without waiting if Lumine will follow he dives. Lumine can see him emerge at the deeper part of the pond as she starts to undress as well, leaving a strapless bra and her panties on.

She joins him, feeling the cool water flow around her. The night sky above them looks like a painting of thousands of stars.

Xiao grabs one of her hands, pulling her gently. She follows obediently, letting him lead her into the other end of the pond. It isn't until they reach the edge of the pond that he stops.

He turns to face her, looking at her intently, his eyes seem to glow, as though they were reflecting the stars above.

"Are you scared?" he asks softly.

"No," she says quickly, "why would I be afraid of–"

Before she could finish her sentence, Xiao had pulled her into his arms, kissing her slowly. Her lips tingle as he continues to kiss her. He pulls back, smiling shyly at her and Lumine blinks, confused and dazed.

Is she dreaming? Is this really happening right now?

Xiao doesn't wait any longer and kisses her again, pulling her close to him. Her hands reach out, touching Xiao's chest. His heartbeat is racing fast, and she knows her heart is beating the same way too. His hands move upwards, brushing through her hair and trailing down her neck. Lumine whimpers at the contact of skin.

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