Chapter X: To Kill A God part 1

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Xiao immediately launches an onslaught of attacks at Childe, swinging his spear with precision. Childe counters each blow, gauging his opponent. The Yaksha lets out a flurry of swipes with his spear and he manages to cut the Harbinger's arm. Childe retreats as blood starts to stain his coat.

Xiao's face remains expressionless, but his eyes are burning as he watches Childe retreat. He lunges toward Childe once more with his spear, only this time Childe doesn't dodge. He counters the Adeptus' swing and they begin their deadly dance.

Childe tries to keep his distance while he shoots arrows at Xiao. The Adeptus dodges the arrows as he continues his assault. They exchange blows again until Xiao makes a mistake and gets struck by Childe's arrow.

Blood pools around his leg where the arrow has pierced his thigh. Xiao quickly recovers and tries a new tactic, slashing at Childe's waist, hoping to distract him. Xiao succeeds as Childe dashes away, he then casually removes the arrow in his thigh, seemingly unconcerned by it. Xiao looks at Childe stoically, changing his stance.

The Yaksha launches himself again towards Childe and the latter dashes away using Upstream but the Yaksha continues his assault. The Harbinger easily dodges and parries the Yaksha's blows as his eyes lit up with amusement. Finally, a worthy opponent!

Childe launches more arrows which Xiao casually swipes off. He throws himself at Xiao, both of them colliding together with Xiao's momentum pushing Childe back. Xiao's expression becomes serious as he raises his arms and the sky above them starts swirling. He then extends one hand forward and a spear made out of black light, a mixture of his Adeptal art and dark Karma energy, emerges. Xiao launches it towards Childe and nearly grazes him. The spear made of black light passes by Childe, glowing faintly against Childe's pale skin, as he swerved to avoid it. Childe takes a step back just as Xiao's arm drops and the Yaksha begins advancing again.

Tartaglia swerves to his right before he is hit by Xiao's thrust. Xiao immediately follows with a huge swing and the Harbinger shoots Hydro arrows before he is thrown away with force. Xiao easily dodges the arrows shot at him as Tartaglia rolls on the ground and kneels, coughing blood.

"Please, stop!" Lumine cried out.

"Now we're talking." Tartaglia chuckles, "not bad, not bad."

The two men ignored Lumine's pleas as Childe shoots forward Xiao with a powerful trail of Hydro, and reappears with a spear made of Hydro and the Yaksha parries him.

They stand face-to-face as Anemo and Hydro swirl powerfully around both men who continue pushing with extreme force, trying to overpower the other.

Tartaglia conjures a Hydro dagger on his left hand and launches it toward Xiao's chest, but his target just dodges it. Xiao throws out a powerful kick against the Harbinger and knocks him away.

Xiao spins his spear around with a flourish before preparing his stance, "Here!"

While Tartaglia recovers, Xiao pounces in and uses his spear to stab the Harbinger in the abdomen. He easily dodges the Yaksha and swings both daggers, sending him tumbling into some nearby rocks.

Tartaglia laughs in glee, "Bring it on!"

Xiao gets up and lunges forward, swinging at his adversary with immense momentum. The Harbinger quickly dodges and swings a Hydro spear back at the Yaksha in retaliation. His opponent avoids it and rushes forward again, stabbing him hard in the shoulder.

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