Chapter V: Falling

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     Xiao flew higher with the Traveler in his arms and soon, the Wangshu Inn looked like a tiny spec. They reached above the clouds and Lumine was amazed at the scenic view.
     Lumine was observing how strong Xiao's wings are, and she knows he can use them to travel far distances. But then he might still need to train since she and Aether travel really, really far.

     "Are you enjoying our flight?" Xiao said through his mask.
     "I am amazed," Lumine beamed at him, "Your wings look really beautiful."

     If there is one thing that Xiao is very particular about, it was his wings. He can't help but smile back at her through his mask.

     "There used to be an old god hundreds of years ago that had three sets of wings. Bosacius gave me the order to fight and I did. I fought for two days while in flight as my brothers and sisters made bets on who would fall first."

     Xiao made his mask disappear and as Lumine looked, his face was full of confidence and pride. He never told anyone how happy he was when Rex Lapis scolded him after that fight then personally tended to his wounds. That was when his name, General Alatus, was spoken by all of Liyue in admiration. He whispered these thoughts to Lumine, once his secret but now theirs, as they flew above the clouds.

     "I keep on telling you how amazing you are," she pouted, "but you keep on saying you are no hero."
     "Because I am a Yaksha and we are not heroes. We fight against the evil of this world because it is our duty. Nothing more, nothing less."
     "But to be honest, the way you describe that fight makes it seem really hard."
     "It was difficult."
     "You won."
     The Yaksha proudly smiled, "Of course."

     Lumine couldn't help but smile back, it is rare to see the Yaksha so carefree. His amber eyes sparkled as he reminisced the days he had with his brothers and sisters. They remind her of the color of her wings and now, he is doing this so she can feel how it is to fly again. She was astonished at how this man could give so much of himself and ask nothing in return. He nearly died to save her, and she swore she would do it for him as well.

     "Traveler, get ready."
     "Ready for what?"

     In a split second she was in his arms, next he was throwing her upwards. It was a very strong throw too, even if he looked very effortless doing it. She must have risen ten meters higher.
     Lumine looked around her, with the fluffy pink and dark violet afternoon clouds streaked over by orange. She has travelled far and wide but seeing Teyvat's beautiful sky took her breath away. She had a feeling that her wings might appear at any moment and for a second, they did.
     Xiao's eyes widened. He looked on as Lumine shot up to the sky after he threw her and he saw it. Her wings were golden, majestic, and they looked powerful. So powerful that he got a tingling sensation in his back, the same sensation he feels when Rex Lapis goes all out in battle.
     He never doubted her in her combat abilities, not even once. After all that they have been through, he knows how strong she can be. He would sometimes spy upon her and that Fatui, Tartaglia, sparring around Liyue's remote fields and he saw how she can use three elements already. And seeing her wings, even for a moment, confirms that she is indeed on a different level. He shudders at the thought of Lumine and her brother once they finally regain all of their powers.

     Lumine looked down at Xiao as she fell, "XIAO!!!"
     "Do not worry," Xiao caught her, "I won't let go."

     Xiao placed his arms around her waist and she shyly wrapped her hands around him. He relished being so close to her physically without his Karmic aura hurting her. Someday, he would thank the Anemo Archon for this protective aura he bestowed on the Traveler.
     Lumine giggled as she placed her chin on his shoulder, hugging him tight. He closed his eyes, wanting this moment to last. His heart swelled with happiness. If he is given the chance to be true to his heart, he knows what will happen is inevitable. But he steeled his mind, she could never fall in love with somebody like him, right?
     She placed her lips in his ear and quietly whispered.

     "I think I have fallen in love with you, Xiao."

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I was listening to this song when I was writing this part:

And I think the song suits this part of the story so much. Please listen to it as well~

This is a rather short chapter because the next one is a very long one.

Thank you for reading!

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