Side Story: Zhongli and Venti

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Author's note:
Hi! This side story actually happens at the same time as Chapter 4. I forgot to upload it here in Wattpad~
I'm sorry it gets a bit confusing, timeline wise. You can skip this part and proceed to the next side story or chapter.

It was a lazy afternoon and two tall men were checking wares from an Inazuman merchant. Though this was something Zhongli was not really supposed to do, he overheard the merchant offering a specific type of rare tea leaves which he really wanted to acquire. It was by coincidence that Doctor Baizhu was buying herbal medicine as well.
As he inspected the wares, he suddenly felt the presence of the Anemo Archon in Liyue, which is a very rare occurrence. He remembered how Barbatos would suddenly drop by Liyue so they can have drinks and chat, and soon all of the Archons are invited. How time flies by so fast. Ever since he gave his gnosis to the Cryo Archon he knows he shouldn't approach Venti casually. But he must be upto no good again if he dared to use his powers in Liyue.

"Excuse me," he handed the tea leaves to Baizhu, "Can you hold this for me for a while?"
"No problem," smiled Baizhu.
A white snake with red eyes slithered out of the doctor's neck, "So we are now mere handlers to your wares? Do you even have the Mora to pay for this?"

As Baizhu shushed the snake, Zhongli walked toward the edge of the port where nobody is currently around. He channeled the faintest power he can to locate the other Archon's presence. He felt two of them but he searched farther and felt the trace of Barbatos' power at Wangshu Inn. Zhongli gave a small smile, he knows how Venti cares for Xiao and to feel the Yaksha at the same place made him a little worried. What tricks are you doing right now, Barbatos?

"How peculiar..." Zhongli smirked.

Aside from Barbatos' presence and Xiao's aura, he also felt the otherworldly power of the Traveler. The Traveler's powers are ever increasing, it won't be long until...
Lumine was playing a Dihua flute. Xiao's dark Karmic aura is also changing, the music that Lumine is playing must be similar to Barbatos'. This was how the Anemo Archon helped Xiao before, and Zhongli is forever grateful for that. But the way that the Anemo Archon healed Xiao before feels entirely different from the Traveler's, it's as if she specifically heals Xiao as he is and not of what he has become. Her music is not just healing the dark Karma that has accumulated in Xiao, she is pouring out her heart and soul, probably for a more personal reason.
Zhongli has felt the drastic change in Xiao's aura ever since they escaped the spatial rift at the Chasm. He swore that he will do everything he can to save Xiao, the last of his precious Yakshas. He could never tell Xiao how he thinks of him as his child, he knows that giving such affection will only make the prideful boy confused.
Xiao was a monster, slave to an evil god. He was part of the reason why Zhongli didn't bother negotiating with that evil being, how can he carry the burden of his conscience if he collaborates with a god that kept this wonderful boy a slave? He knows the goodness in Xiao's heart, and he proved that to him as his General Alatus. He has existed for thousands of years with Xiao as his general, maybe it's about time for Xiao to finally rest his weary heart.
It took all of Morax's willpower to stop eavesdropping further. This moment should be for Xiao and Lumine alone. By diverting the same amount of presence from Wangshu Inn towards Barbatos' location, atop the Church of Favonius' bell tower, Morax's gave him a slight warning.

"Let's leave the love birds alone," he whispered.

"Ehe!" The Anemo Archon grinned, he got caught.

The two Archons chuckled at the same time before they both let go of their hold at Wangshu Inn, with Barbatos sticking his tongue out at him before leaving. Morax indulged with the thought that Venti must be playing as a match maker, not that he is against it either. But he knows of a certain man that has taken a keen interest at the Traveler too.

"Stop the nonsense and take this bag," Changsheng the snake snapped at Zhongli.
Baizhu handed over a small package wrapped in paper. "I have bought this tea leaves for you, I think you are very particular about it,"

Zhongli took the tea while giving thanks to the doctor and the clever snake. The snake looked at him, questioning. Zhongli brushed it off.

"There's a certain memory I have of this tea," he quietly said, "One of the best tea masters I have ever met used to serve this to me and our little group of acquaintances."

Changsheng lifted its head from Baizhu's shoulder to look over the sea.

"I hope her sister is doing well," Zhongli looked over the sea as well.


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