Episode 4

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A few weeks had passed, and Tiara was becoming even closer to the people there. Surprisingly, with Kavin too. Then a piece of news came to her attention.

Chairman Song passed away due to hemorrhage this morning at Haebaek Hospital this evening. A funeral service will be arranged at the hospital. After she finishes reading the text from her phone, she receives a call from it.

Tiara: I'll go there. I have to hang up. See you there. " Then, she called Mr. Lee to give him some instruction.

Please book me the earliest flight and if there's an available flight right now, please book it for me. Thank you.

Mr. Lee: Sure, young Miss. But isn't it a bit late to go now? And will Madam Rosalyn allow you to go?

Tiara: No, we can still catch the flight if we go now. It's not too late. As for my mother, she had to understand it then. Ask P'Julie and P'May to pack my things now.

After listening to this, Mr. Lee then made his next move. Once everything was settled, they set off for the airport right away. In her mind, all she can think of is how Hajun's condition and the rest of her friends' there. And of course, yes, she is hungry. Luckily, they managed to book the earliest flight to Seoul. And so she departs from there at 8 pm. At almost 1 am, she arrived at the Incheon Airport. There, she received the expected call from her mother.

Madam Rosaleyn: Tiara, where are you right now? I've been informed by our head of security that you aren't at Bangkok anymore. What's happening? What are you even thinking?! Mind telling me? *Her voice is already rising at this point*

She is listening to this. All she can think of is her mother is going to nag her all night for it. For not being responsible, leaving without telling her and so on. But she is just tired. and sleepy. The next morning, she needed to prepare early for the funeral service. So she answers her as politely as she can.

Tiara: I'm really sorry, mom. I leave without informing you of anything. I'm already in Seoul right now. Hajun's dad passed away this evening. And so, I thought it's the best if I'm here. He is, after all, my friend. I promise you, after I come back from here, I will meet you and formally apologise to you. I will do whatever you ask of me. *she said, blinking her eyes and yawning* Girl is too tired.

Madam Rosaleyn: I heard about it. The news of the late Chairman Song was on the news just now. Trying to be there for your friend is one thing, but remember to take care of yourself. I'll send a group of people there to tighten the security and so on. You are staying at the King Land Hotel, right? Make sure you keep your promise. 3 days only. After that, by hook or crook. You need to get back to Bangkok as soon as possible. Take care of your meals too. It's pretty late there now. Sleep early. They have my deepest condolences. In particular, Madam Song.

Tiara: Sure thing, Mom. Thank you for your understanding. Good night.

She smiles after hanging up with her mother. After all, she knows from the tone of her voice that she does worry about Tiara's safety, though she doesn't show it. Right away, she went to sleep.

Morning arrives. She checks her phone. and still looking at the notifications. She turned on the airplane mode. Looking at this, Mr. Lee asked her why she did that.

Tiara: It's fussy. I'm in Seoul anyhow. If there's anything important. People will contact you instead, Mr. Lee. Also, this is a nice way to escape from Thyme's recklessness and clinginess.

Mr. Lee then understood it. But he later gave the new phone to her. In which she looks amused at her.

Tiara: What is this?

Mr. Lee: Madam Rosaleyn asked me to give you this phone in case anything happened.You can use this for your convenience. After all, you need this to communicate with her and with your friends. Even if you want to cut off anything in Bangkok right now, Young Miss.

Tiara: You and your nosiness, hmph. Thanks for this. Let's go now. Then they walk away from the suite room. She wore a proper long black coat with a black dress for the services.

Meanwhile, Bangkok

Thyme: Tiara? Tiara? Where are you? Hello?? Araa? Hey sister?!!

He knocks on the door. And after that, he didn't get any response. He anxiously entered the room. He felt weird. No one is there, not even her personal assistant. Then Julie and May tell him everything that happened that night. He nodded. He tried to call her. But it's unreachable. Then, he tried calling his mother. After getting the information that he already needed, he excused the two maids that stood in front of him. Several minutes after that, Ren, Kavin, and MJ arrive at his mansion. Kavin looks around, but the person he was hoping to see is nowhere to be found.

MJ: Why is everything so silent today? At this mansion? Where is Tiara?

Thyme takes a seat and drinks his coffee. Then he answers MJ's questions.

She's in Seoul now. *to which he scoffs afterward*

Kavin: Whoa, Seoul! But why? She just arrived a few weeks ago. Now I know why she asked to leave as soon as possible at the party yesterday. I asked her, but she didn't answer. She is making a phone call and keeping busy with her phone. After that, I could not see her anymore. She must've left by then.

Ren: She's attending the funeral service of Chairman Song Haryul of Haebaek Group. It's her closest friend's father back when they studied together in Singapore.

Thyme: How did you know this? I didn't even know this. Until my mother told me.

Ren calmly answered while smiling.

Ren: She told me yesterday, before she left for Seoul. She makes a quick phone call to me. Ren said nonchalantly.

Again, three of them are still in disbelief listening to this.

MJ: Huh. You guys are indeed besties. I bet she didn't even call Thyme or her mother. Yet she told you about this.

Kavin shifts his eyes to Ren then. He is wondering if they are really best friends. Or more than that at this point. But he remains collected and tries to be as emotionless as possible, even if his mind is full of questions. As for Thyme, he is pretty much sulking. And then, he understood it. Tiara mightn't have called him because by then Thyme would've stopped her from going there. Pretty much, Thyme being a bit demanding on her will delay her plan.

Thyme: Then again, it's not like anyone can stop her. Even my mother approved of her going there. At night, I mean. I would not question anything. But her friends. Just who is it that makes her go as soon as possible there? It's the heir of Haebaek Group. That's the only thing I know. When the billionaire, the late Pakorn, passed away, Tiara didn't even bother to go with me to attend the funeral services. She kept on with her recital. However, we must first meet with potential shareholders there. I wonder what kind of friends Tiara will make all the way there though. He said calmly. 

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