Episode 42

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The ride in his car is dead silent along the way to her mansion. Tiara is fidgeting with her Pandora bracelets while Ren can't seem to speak any words toward her. She felt anxious and doesn't want to make it any worse. They eventually arrive at her mansion, thankfully. Before exiting the car, Tiara hesitates for a while. Ren, too, is about to speak to her but can't seem to say anything.

Tiara: Thanks, take care, Ren. Drive safe.

Ren: Why are you being like this? This isn't how you used to talk to me. Tiara, I hope what happens today will not affect us. Promise me.

He gently held her wrist for a while before slowly letting it go after Tiara answered him.

Tiara: "I'm just tired, Ren." Nothing else will happen. I promise you. You should go now. Take a rest, alright. She then exits the car.

Ren could only sigh as he entered his penthouse

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Ren could only sigh as he entered his penthouse. He tried to free his mind by doing some painting on the canvas. But failed. It's unusual for him to lose this calmness.

Today has been an eventful one. It won't be the same anymore. At least for now, he is glad that he doesn't need to pretend anymore. The thing is, he isn't sure how Tiara will be able to accept everything. He is scared, knowing that after his sudden confession, she acted a bit differently than usual. And obviously, it's not her fault. He is the one that decided to do this.

How he wishes he could turn back time and instead of seeing her look at him that way, just see her smile. Her one-sided dimple, her cute habits whenever she laughs, and the gentle touches and pats from her when she felt excited and happy. How she kept calling him Ren Ren, Rennie Ren, and sometime even Renrawin. Only she is capable to do that to him. Other don't dares to.

He reminded of how she runs her fingers through his hair just to mess with him. And how they both just lay on each other's shoulders, whether it's when she's bored or when he is sketching in his sketchbook. Even when she steals food from his plates as if it were her own, he felt full. When she entered his penthouse quietly to give him a surprise and not wanted him to felt lonely knowing he always prefer to be alone, he find that adorable.

And the most important things that makes he fall for her even harder. When she give him the most warmest and sweetest hugs and silently pat his back whenever he felt lost and lonely. It's strange how all of that has vanished now.

It will be impossible to go back in time again. In just a few minutes after he said that to her, everything else was gone as well. He despises how she sees this vulnerable side of him that he has worked hard to hide. Is this a good decision that he makes? Ren just can't think of anything right now except if she's fine or not. That's the most important thing for him. He doesn't want to be the reason she loses that precious smile again. He determines not to lose her again this time. Even more so to him, Kavin.

Tiara entered the mansion's foyer slowly before proceeding upstairs. Her steps feel heavier each time she takes them. Along with her sigh, the pain from the blister she got from her high heels doesn't seem to bother her at all this time. All she knows is that she wants to lie down on her bed as soon as she can.

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