Episode 54

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Seeing that Tiara still hasn't answered his question and is fidgeting with her bracelets as she looks down, Thyme needs to be the one to solve all of this. Even if he needs to push her a bit over the edge, the dining hall seemed to be dead silent except for MJ, who was slowly tapping down on the table with his fingers.

Thyme: Ara? They are waiting for your answer. It will be good if you can tell them now, as in the afternoon, everyone will need to do their job, and telling them by the evening would be a bit off.

After taking a deep breath and closing her eyes for a moment, she knew that maybe this decision would hurt someone in the process. But it still needs to be done. She can't play push-and-pull with this anymore.

Tiara: Alright. I will go to the ball with P'Tia then. No one will make any speculations or rumors. I hate being put on the edge, so that's it. And if anyone is still in denial about the decision I have yet to make, I will dig myself out from under the ball.

Ren was hurt by it, but what can he do, as Tiara already make that decision in front of others? Maybe it's for the best, at least there isn't going to be a weird confrontation between him and Kavin afterward, Ren thought. The same can be said with Kavin, as after she said that, his face quickly darken. Right afterward, he excuses himself and leaves the dining hall and the mansion. This is the first time, he went off without even telling Tiara or looking at her. After Kavin left, then Ren went out of the hall. Probably going back to Aira's.

Thyme: Are they in hurry? MJ? Ren hasn't eaten his meals yet though. And Kavin hasn't finished his cereals. He never leaves his food even if there's a thunderstorm.

MJ just shakes his head in disbelief at hearing Thyme's words. Thyme is unmistakably odd—certainly one of the oddballs. When MJ is the one worrying if Kavin and Ren will end up punching or grabbing each other in the throat, all he is worried about is whether Ren or Kavin grabbed their breakfast. talking about an unexpected move. Tiara is surely one of a kind. These two sets of twins sure amuse him so much.

And as the breakfast seems to come to an end, both Thyme and MJ leave together, as Thyme needs MJ's advice on how to dress for the occasion. This leaves Tiara alone in the dining hall. The sound of her munching off the salad can be heard across the room, as it has been a bit too quiet after everyone left. Of course, this makes her a bit uneasy after everything that has just happened. Furthermore, Kavin hasn't looked at her or attempted to contact her since their encounter with Ren, implying that they haven't spoken to each other.

That silence is not that permanent, as when she was swallowing the soup with a bitter face, a voice reached out to her.

Tia: Tiara? Are you the only one here? Where are the rest? I thought I heard lots of noises coming from this hall earlier.

Tiara stopped eating for a while before receiving hugs from Tia. But the elder one knows that the other one is not in a good mood. Slowly, Tia sat herself down beside Tiara and asked her if there was anything that had been bothering her.

Tia: You don't look great. Is everything okay, baby?

Tiara: "I'm okay."

Tiara sensed something was wrong with her because of her casual responses, so she asked and demanded the answer even harder than before from Tiara.

Tia: Well, then, why are you looking as dark as the shades of Thyme's room? Tell me now, won't you? Airawarin Paramaanantra Tiara. Answer me, please.

Tiara: I don't want to think of it again, P'Tia. Really. My mood had already soured once this morning.

Tia: If you insist, then.

Tiara then remembered that she needed to ask Tiara for the occasion in the evening, but she was still in a bad mood when thinking of attending that.

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