[Chapter 1: Welcome to Seabrook!]

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Narrator pov:

Zed: Welcome back to Seabrook.

Addison: We started off as a perfectly
planned community full of cheer.

Zed: Then zombies showed up.

Addison: And then werewolves.

Zed: So, naturally, well, supernaturally,
we had some bumps along the way. But now, we've all learned to live together, united.

Addison: Seabrook is becoming a perfect place.

Zed: Well, almost.Monsters still have one big barrier to break through, like getting into college.

Adisson: But if we win
the championship football game tonight,we're going to have our first zombie recruited to college.

Zed: And the doors to higher ed
will be open to all monsters.

Addison: And then we'll all be together.

Zed: And maybe, in college, one special
girl with white hair won't stand out.

Addison: And maybe she'll even find
a place where she belongs.

Zed: So win tonight's football game, and everything in Seabrook will be perfect.

Addison:So we can't let anything get in our way.

Y/n pov:
"I am telling you Wyatt,you have to confess your feelings!" I tried convincing Wyatt while eating my froyo, 'ughh when will he know that Eliza also has feelings for him'.

"It isn't gonna work she isn't even here!" Wyatt groaned and covered his face with flags from the
'Seabrook championship sells'.

"Ughh that isn't a excuse for you to not confess your feelings Wyatt!" Me and Wyatt continued to argument about confessing his feelings and blah blah blah, until our moonstones started making sounds.

"Our moonstones are acting weird, something big is gonna happened.." Willa said while looking at the sky, 'these darn meteorites won't let me sleep every time.' Wyatt and I looked at each other and smirked.

"Something BIG happening" I smiled and putted my froyo on a nearby table, I grabbed my hat that I bought at the sells thingy 'it was cheap so why not use it only today?'.

"Biggest football game in the universe!" I throwed my hat and landed on my head and Wyatt was waving his flag making Willa roll her eyes.
I noticed a girl going near her and try to paint her face 'oh no.'
I tried to warn her but to late, Willa's moonstone glowed and started growling at the girl.

"Come on, you know how important a win is for all us monsters!" Wyatt said while looking at her with the puppy eyes while I nodded in agreement.

"Seabrook need's you cheer wolf" I also did the puppy eyes and we convinced Willa! what a miracle.

"Ugh.. FINE but no face painting." She walked away and we continued walking 'OH NO MY FROYO' I quickly ran to the table and almost face planted but luckily I didn't. I quickly grabbed it and ran to Wyatt and Willa.

Time skip

Y/n pov:
I looked at Willa with a surprised face 'I've never seen her so... I don't know too..... happy?'.
I looked around while Willa was doing her 'inspirational' speech 'is it just me or is the meteorites are looking more brighter and bigger..'. My thoughts were cut off by a tablet ringing ELIZA IS CALLING! Zoe answered and Wyatt quickly looked at the tablet and looked nervous 'this guy is sooooooo inlove with Eliza'.

"Eliza!" Wyatt's smile grew bigger, Zoey and I look at each other and raised our eyebrows and giggling.

"Hey Wyatt and Y/n" Eliza smiled and waved, I waved back and put a hand on Zoe's shoulder.

"I-I can't believe you're not here for this, we all miss you." I noticed Wyatt mentally curse at himself for stuttering at Eliza making me chuckle.

"Who misses her the most, Wyatt~?" Zoe teased making me almost explode of laughter 'I love this kid. I teached her good'.

"Wait, what'd he say? I couldn't hear what he said" Eliza started glitching, making me turn my head in confusion 'strange.. that never happeneds'.

"Okay, everyone, let's give it up for our football team as they head off to victory.. Here they come!"My thought were cut off by Addison announcing about the teams and Zoe me and Wyatt quickly turned around and watched.
But suddenly Bucky appeared making me roll my eyes but I still clapped.

"Thank you, thank you! for coming to see me off for my big game" Bucky announced while walking to his group. I looked at the froyo place making me wanna get froyo.I tapped Wyatt's shoulder and he looked at where I was looking and chuckled.

"Y/n, you ate like.. 1000 today! You are gonna get sick" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and turned us around to look at the football team.
Everyone cheered and howled while all the football team ran to the bus, until Wynter appeared making me cheer even louder, but she was acting strange.... ohh she is nervous. 'I wish I could hug her right now'. Zed quickly jogged to Wynter and looked at her with a concerned look,

"Hey, hey! You are going to kill it out there tonight, okay? Those Eels think that they can keep you caged up. They think they can keep you on a leash" Zed grabbed Wynter's cage thing and that made her more furious then ever 'gosh what will we do without Zed' I sighed.

"BUT YOU'RE NO CUDDLY PUPPY, YOU ARE A FIERCE BEAST OF THE FOREST!" Wynter and Zed howled making me chuckle at them same as Wyatt. We came closer to Addisons and Zed's parents and looked at them again.

"THE SHRIMP BE CRAY!!" Wynter screamed while running to the bus 'oh great she's gonna hit her head'. And I guessed right! She smashed the bus and turned around to us.

"To much?" She asked while looking at everyone, I looked at Zed and he smirked.

"NEVER TO MUCH YOU DO YOU!" Everyone started cheering and celebrating while me Wyatt and Willa were looking at them happily.

"I hope this doesn't get ruined" I sighed and Wyatt placed his head on my head humming in agreement.

"Since we recovered the moonstone,meteor showers have been pretty regular" Will said while looking at the sky and putting both of her arms on her hips.

I closed my eyes for a moment to calm down and take a moment to enjoy everyone's happiness.
'Can't believe months ago everything was so depressing and sad but now all the werewolfs are happier then ever-' my thoughts were cut off by a really loud thunder clap making me shiver.

Wyatt and Willa quickly looked at each other and ran to the moonstone leaving me behind.

"WAIT FOR ME" I groaned and me and Wynter followed them.
We stood next to the moonstone and waited for all the pack.

Electricity was crackling, screams of everyone was heard. I looked up to the sky and it was an...



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