[Chapter: 12: The Cheer Competition]

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Narrator pov:
Y/n was sitting on some boxes backstage while answering a phone call from her 'Sword Fighting Competition' she was waiting for the answer if she won or did she lose. But a certain alien was 'spying' on her just kidding, he was just waiting for the right moment to go to talk to her.

"Ok thanks!" Y/n quickly ended the call and cheered making A-lan concerned.

"WOHO! EAT MY STARDUST SEABROOK" Y/n yelled and celebrated, A-lan chuckled and behind Y/n without making any noice.

Y/n pov:

I felt a tap on my shoulder making me turn around and yelp a little 'how come he didn't make any noice!?' I let out an exhale and he smiled.

"Hi star" A-lan said making me smirk and raise my eyebrow.

"Oo I see, your getting really creative and cute with nicknames" I teased and he nodded and we both took a sit on the box holding hands and he started talking about what he learned in Seabrook and random things he found.

"Oh! Also I have a question, why did you yell 'eat my stardust seabrook' if seabrook can't hear you? Or it can" A-lan asked and I laughed making him look confused.

"No love, It's just a way to trash talk I have no clue why I screamed it but I did!" I explained and I looked at him and he was looking at my eyes then at my lips, we both started leaning in until Bree interrupted the moment.

"Y/N! HEY! OH?- OHH~" Bree yelled making both of us yelped, she started jumping up and down making both of us to perk up and get up rapidly. I chuckled nervously and shooed Bree quickly holding both of her shoulders, but obviously before I left I blew a kiss to A-lan. 'Now how do I explain it to Bree, oh god save me'.

"EEEEK YOU HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYTHING!" Bree said turning around and looking at me
with legit stars in her eyes, I sighed.

"Don't tell anyone but me and A-lan became a couple" Bree started screaming like a fan girl and I quickly closed her mouth with my hand she continued like that for like HOURS?

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" "I KNEW IT!" "IF YOU GUYS HAVE KIDS ARE THEY GONNA BE WOLF OR ALIEN KIND?" "YOU GUYS WILL BE SO CUTE TOGETHER" "WHO KNEW AN ALIEN AND A WEREWOLF WOULD BECOME A COUPLE "WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GONNA GET MARRIED-" "BREE! WE JUST BECAME A COUPLE LIKE 2 DAYS AGO!" I yelled to make her stop and she made 'O' shape mouth. She calmed down and she started talking about the same thing about me and A-lan but she was more calmed.

"EVERYONE GET READY CAUSE THE SEABROOK COMPETITION IS STARTING" The announcer announced and I waved goodbye to Bree and found Willa, Wyatt and Wynter.

A-lan pov:
All of us, the aliens, were admiring the seabrook cup until Bucky came along.

"Oh, yes. She is beautiful to bad you'll be way too nervous to win her when the pressure is on!" Bucky said and A-spen smiled.

"I look forward to being nervous!" I looked at them with a confused look and I decided to talk the trash to Bucky.

"Eat my stardust, Seabrook!" I chuckled and he looked at me weird.

"Did I correctly talk trash?" I asked and he nodded 'yes! I did it' we all walked pass Bucky and went to practice.

Y/n pov:

Me, Wyatt, Willa and Wynter were chatting about our classes and stuff until we saw Bucky with the alien mind probe 'how did he find one?'. We all got closer to him and looked at him.

"What do we have here, what do we have here, what do we have here-" Willa snatched the mind probe from Bucky's hand and he started rubbing his eyes looking at us.

"That- that things just made me almost die!" Bucky panicked and Willa rolled her eyes.

"Wyatt get Eliza we gotta see what is this thing" Wyatt nodded and he searched for Eliza, Willa signaled me and Bucky to follow her. 'Oh no I hope she doesn't find the mission' I sighed and crossed my fingers.

Time skip

Y/n pov:

"Now, remember. This priceless thingy is mine! So tell me what it is! Now! Now! Now!" Bucky started bugging us and Wynter rolled her eyes, I was just praying that they won't found anything about the aliens plan.

"So catty. Clearly not raised by wolves!" Wynter crossed her arms and Wyatt shrugged.

"I bet I'm the first intern to ever hack alien tech.... It's a firewall" Eliza tried to hack the mindprobe but it had a firewall.

"Ooh look! We can't enter it so sad, well! Let's watch the cheer-" "Let me try my moonstone" I loudly groaned and Willa made the 'zip it' look and I gulped.

"It worked. It's a mind probe" "no shi-" I quickly covered my mouth and let out a fake cough. Suddenly in the mind probe it showed scenes of Bucky cheerleading and in the president election.

"Look at all those people thinking of me!" He smiled and showed it to all of us.

"That's just your mind scan, Bucky" Eliza said and I let out a snort same as Wyatt. Then, the mind probe showed kitties playing making me aww.

"Aw, Wynter. You like cat videos!" I said and Wynter scoffed.

"Everyone likes kittens" Wynter smirked and rolled her eyes, I nodded in agreement 'I still dont know if I like cats or dogs'. I think Wyatt's mind probe was shown since it showed memories of Eliza.

"Wyatt? Why does your mind probe have so many memories of me? You have a crush on me?" Wynter gasped, Bucky just raised his eyebrows and I was celebrating 'SHE FINALLY NOTICED', Wyatt tried to say something but Willa interrupted him.

"Enough with this mushy stuff! Find out what the aliens are up to" Eliza quickly started looking making me more nervous until she found it. I nervously tapped my foot and quickly ran to find Zed and the aliens.

"ZED!" I grabbed his shoulder and he turned around smiling excitedly.

"Y/N I GOT ACCEPTED TO MOUNTAIN COLLAGE!" "WHAT! THATS GREAT ZED!" I gave him a quick short hug and quickly got straight to the point.

"Zed,thewolvesfoundoutaboutthealienplansandtheysentthez-patrolstoarrestthem" I quickly explained and he tilted his head making me groan.

"The wolves found about the alien's plan and they sent the z-patrol to arrest them" I explained slower and his eyes widen. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and he started dragging me to the backstage where the aliens were.

"Stop! Do not go out there!" Zed yelled and he finally let go of my wrist the aliens turned around and look at us confused.

"But we need to win the cheer cup! Our future depends on it" A-li said and the aliens agreed.

"And winning tastes so good, Zed" A-lan said 'he somehow became more competitive just because of the handshake'.

"Z-Patrol is looking for you. They are not gonna let you compete." I tried to explain and A-spen thought about it.

"But without our map, we'll forever wander the galaxy without a home"  A-spen explained and I looked at Zed.

LWell, you better hope Addison sticks her landing and wins it for you"  A-spen looked back at the trophy and then at us, Zed looked really nervous if A-spen was gonna accept but they did so we started running.

Let's hope everything goes according to plan.


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