[Chapter 6: Powerless]

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Narrqtor pov:
Everyone from the seabrook group were in the library,Y/n with a large book in her hands and a map.

"What is the emergency sis? Me and Wynter were trying some ice creams" Wyatt said giving her an ice cream, Y/n's eyes widen and quickly grabbed it and took a spoonful.  She eventually finished it and cleared her troath.

"So I have a plan to somehow find the moonstone, Willa remember the time that uh.. mom showed us about her crystall ball?" Y/n asked looking at Willa, she slowly nodded.

"Yes but.. she told us to never get near it or else.." Willa said making the 'we are dead' thing with her hands, Wyatt looked at them confused and crossed his arms.

"What if we use it to find the moonstone it's gonna be easier, because the security cameras didn't record any footage " Y/n said, Wynter nodded thinking it was an good idea but Willa slammed her fists on the table making everyone yelp.

"She's a monster. She left us alone when we protected her" Willa said snarling, A-spen looked concerned and placed a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down. Zed and Addison shared a nervous look and signaled to everyone to leave the room, so they did. (Willa,Wyatt and Y/n the only ones in the room).

"It's the only way to find the moonstone Willa, we don't have another choice" Wyatt said joining the conversation. Y/n nodded agreeing meanwhile Willa was more angrier than usual.

"Please Willa, it's not only for us its for everyone in the pack. It's our life source or else we'll die" Y/n explained gently grabbing her shoulder, Willa looked at her and stayed silent.

"Willa?" Wyatt asked but it was to late, Willa pushed Y/n's hand out of her shoulder and walked away. Y/n groaned and placed her hands on her face while Wyatt sighed.

"Y/n you know her, she'll never agree to see mom again. But it was a nice try though" Wyatt said shrugging it off, he grabbed her shoulder and dragged her away so she doesn't start arguing or stressing more.

Time skip

Narraotr pov:
Y/n was in A-lan's room watching him playing videogames with Zed, she suddenly got a call from Bree making Y/n confused and answer.

"Hi Bree what's up?" Y/n asked placing the phone on her ear, A-lan and Zed snapped their head to Y/n and quickly tried to listen.

"Y/N! You have to come and see this" Bree said with a slightly scared tone, A-lan mouthed 'what's wrong?' trying to press his ear to the phone and listen.

"Sure, but can you tell me where are you?" Y/n said grabbing Zed's face and pushing him back same as A-lan.

"I'm in the Enchanted Forest-" Before Bree could continue, Bree's phone turned off. Y/n sighed and started grabbing her things, A-lan and Zed following behind.

"Why are you guys following me?" Y/n asked not looking at them, Zed smiled and grabbed Yin's shoulder.

"What? I'm curious" He said leaning on her shoulder, A-lan nodded in agreement. Y/n went inside her dorm and grabbed her sword, placed it on her belt.

"Here have my jacket, star. It's cold outside" A-lan said taking off his jacket but Y/n quickly stopped him.

"Don't! It's alright keep it" Y/n said but suddenly got cut off by a jacket being placed over her shoulder, Y/n groaned and used A-lan's jacket that was kinda big on her, A-lan grabbed her hand and pressed a little kiss on it esrning a cheesy smirk from Zed.

"So, exactly where are we going?" Zed asked looking around "We're going to the forest, I guess"
Y/n shrugged checking her phone for new messages, but there was nothing. Suddenly they heard footsteps coming near them making them quickly get on fighting stance, Y/n taking out her sword.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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