[Chapter 4: Aliens in School]

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Time skip to the next day

Y/n pov:
"I'm telling you Bree and Bonzo! The answer was A, and don't get me started with question b-"

"I hope you take this opportunity to learn from our advanced intelligence" I got cut off by the one and only A-li, I waved at A-lan and he smiled. I then looked at A-li who was having difficulties trying to 'push' a pull door 'damn this makes me remember of me everyday.'

"Uh, you have to pull" Bree said and I nodded. A-li finally pull the door and thanked her, but before they could leave A-lan came back.

"Uh I was wondering Y/n if you wanted to hangout with me after school?" I thought about it
'I have bow and arrow clases but meh it wont hurt' .

"Yeah! Sure meet me at the cafeteria" I smiled and he nodded, he slowly closed the door and Bree looked at me smirking.

"Oo you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend~!" Bree laughed while Bonzo started talking zombie.

"Guys, he isn't my boyfriend, we just met yesterday! Anyways I have to go bye lovebirds" I eaved goodbye at them and tried opening the door but it didn't work.

"Y/n.. you have to pull" Bree face palmed and my mouth made a "O" shape. I chuckled and went to do my first class.

Time skip

Y/n pov:

"Ughh when is Zed and Addison gonna stop dancing IN OUR PATH" I whisper yelled and groaned. 'They are always dancing and signing everywhere!'.

"True but let them be, they are seabrooks's favorite couple" Wyatt whispered and waited patiently for them to finish.
And suddenly they left so we could finally go down the stairs.

"There's no way they came across the galaxy just to cheer. Why are they really here?" Willa for the 9th time said about the aliens. But just in time the aliens appeared and Willa started growling.

"Better watch your step" Wynter snarled, I felt eyes on me and it was the one and only A-lan, I waved at him and he waved back smiling.

"We will watch our step, thank you for the warning!" A-spen smiled, suddenly A-li tok out a alien camera and smirked.

"Smile" I look at her confused while Wyatt and Wynter were posing for the photo. A flash appeared making me confused and rubbing my eyes. 'What in the-' I felt a hand touch my hand making me stop rubbing my eyes.

"I am really sorry about A-li, but the photo was for something helpful!" A-lan said while holding my hands and looking at me directly in the eyes making me fell weak on my knee.
'Ohh lord what do I say now".

"Oh! Um no problem it's alright uhh well I.. have to go to the library! With uh Willa, so I have to go" I slowly let go off his hand and he nodded while following the other aliens and turned around to wave goodbye to me and continued following them. I let out a sigh and turned around finding a snarling Wyatt. I blew raspberries at him and grabbed Willas hand and dragged her to the library.

Time skip

"Ughh science is so boring and I never understand what the teacher is saying!" Willa said while collecting books for her homework making me chuckle.

"Well, this is weird it's my first time agreeing with you" Willa looked at me and messed up my hair and we started laughing but we calmed down.

"Oh great Bucky is bugging Addison, again." Willa and I groaned and walked to them.

"Back off, Bucky" I put my hand on Addison's shoulder making her jump a little.

"Your cousin's the cheer captain now, not you" Willa crossed her arms and look at him with fire in her eyes. 'Damn the power she holds'.

"Thanks Willa and Y/n" She smiled and continued doing what she was doing.

"But Bucky's right" "Wait what" "I'm right? Yes, of course I'm right" I groaned in frustration this being the like 1000th time of Willa just insulting the aliens and trying to tell me to ignore them.

"Which is why we need to protect what's ours, the Seabrook Cup, my legacy,ME, in general" Bucky started doing dramatic poses while explaining 'please Willa scratch the life out of him.'

"Right, Willa? Y/n? Or should I say Wacey?and beautiful?" Bucky winked and smiled at himself.
'I didn't even talk about the aliens'.

"You have 10 seconds to run, 1, 2" I started counting while I my eyes started turning yellow and he started screaming and running, making us laugh and feel satisfied.

Narrator pov:
While Y/n, Willa and Addison were talking, Y/n didn't know that a certain alien was dead starring at Bucky for calling her 'beautiful'. He didn't know what feeling he felt, it was a mix of anger, nervous or.. furious? He had an idea and decided to ask Zed after his classes.

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