[Chapter 16: Final Goodbye]

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(Music needed)

Narrator pov:

"Transport us up, Mothership. All of us!" A-spen exclaimed and cheering was heard from everyone.

When everyone got transported to mothership everyone started helping, obviously the lovebirds aka A-lan and Y/n helping each other- well A-lan also protecting Y/n from getting electrocuted even though Y/n was being very careful.

"A-lan love, I'll not get electrocuted I promise you don't have to protect me" Y/n said continuing trying to connect some chargers inside mothership while A-lan was helping her grabbing her hands.

"Humans are very sensitive to alien electricity so this is my mission to protect you" A-lan said very proudly making Y/n chuckle and let go off the chargers. Y/n high-fived him and they both continued working, while A-li and A-spen were working together and watching them and they were making fun of A-lan of how lovesick and over protective he is with Y/n.

"Human emotions really made A-lan fall inlove with a werewolf" A-li said amused while configuring stuff and A-spen helping her, they hummed in response.

"Also you to A-spen you also fell inlove with a werewolf! You fell inlove with someone who hated us a lot!" A-li didn't take her eyes out off the configuring-keyboard while A-spen looked at her confused and shrugged it off.

"Ugh, love" A-li muttered rolling her eyes and also faking gag and walking away.

Time skip

Narrator pov:

"Only our people can connect to the ship's stardust reactor, but unfortunately the moonstone's power is lethal to us. But your being half human might just work you'll be a living bridge" A-lan explained while looking at Addison.

"Addison can do it!" Willa exclaimed and everyone agreed.

"Yes, she's an alien"  "And a cheerleader" "And a part of our pack" Wyatt smiled and Y/n nodded in agreement putting her hand on his shoulder.

"You were born for this!" Y/n cheered and A-lan gave her the stardust, Addi looked at her friends and Y/n gave her a reassuring smile.

"Ready?" Zed asked and Addison nodded, A-lan gave her the stick connected to the stardust and A-li gave her the one connected to the moonstone making a big and bright blue lighting to appear making mothership shake and almost making everyone fall, Wyatt as a very protective brother had to grab Y/n in protective position, he knew if he didn't grab his sister Y/n probably was gonna face plant to a very hard floor. Addison was having difficulties holding on to all the power and let go off the sticks.

"I couldn't hold on! It's too much power!" Addison yelled trying to recover her breath, Y/n and everyone looked at her worringly.

"We must reestablish the connection now, or all is lost!" A-lan yelled and Zed hesitantly went to Addison, making Y/n and Wyatt exchange looks.

"Take my hand, the power can flow through me" Zed grabbed the moonstone stick and and Addison grabbed the stardust one.

" You'll be fried in a minute!" Addison yelled with a worried face, Y/n slowly came closer to Wyatt and whispered.

"How much do we bet that Zed is gonna become a 'zom-burger'?" (Credits to the person who wrote that comment) Y/n whispered to Wyatt and thought about it.

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