[Chapter 11:Hanging Out With Aliens]

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Y/n pov:
Since the cheer competition starts at night, me and Zed decided to go to his house and help him with his homework and learn about new things. (ik they are about to go to college but still)

I started talking about history until my body shivered meaning something must have happened near me, I quickly looked at the window and it was the aliens outside. 'Hah wolf senses.'

"Hey Zed! The aliens came" I showed him and his eyes widen.

"But they didn't tell me they're gonna come! But first.. how did they know we are here?" He asked and I shrugged 'Good point'. We ignored it and we raced to open the door and I won! I opened the door and I saw A-spen investigating the dead flowers Zed has, A-li looking around same as A-lan.
Zed finally came and he looked surprised, he cleared his throat making the aliens look at us. I looked at A-lan and he winked making me chuckle.

"Hey aliens didn't expect your visit" Zed let them in and they all started looking at all the furniture.

"This house looks... depressing" A-spen said with a questioning look on her face making me hold my laughter.

"Thank you for the nice compliment" Zed rolled his eyes and A-spen smiled.

"No problem!" A-li saw a cookie jar and hesitantly tried one, she tried one and her eyes open wider and started eating faster than ever. 'I hope she doesn't choke' I snort and look at A-lan, he was just standing there smiling looking at me until Zed appear behind him and wiggle his eyebrows.

"Behind you" I signaled A-lan and he slowly turned around and saw Zed face to face making A-lan let out a small scream making Zed die of laughter, I chuckled and got closer to A-lan and hugged his arm.

"YOU'VE SHOULD'VE — LOOKED — AT YOUR — FACE — OH MY GOD — IT WAS GODLY — HAAAAA" A-lan looked at me with the can-I-please-zap-him look and I nodded without hesitation. 'This is gonna be great' A-lan quickly rubbed his hands together and electrocuted him making Zed try to yell but he couldn't 'he's gonna die isn't he?' I grabbed A-lan's shoulder and signaled him to stop and he did.

"Ugh! I wish I was an alien" Zed mumbled and grunted making both of us laugh. I perked up and smelled something burning coming from the kitchen.

"Uh guys I'm gonna check on what is A-li and A-spen doing" They both nodded and I quickly went to the kitchen.

A-lan pov:

"I still don't understand how you made a chick like Y/n fall inlove with you" Zed sighed 'did he just call Y/n a chicken?' I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Did you just call Y/n a chicken?" I asked and cracked my knuckles getting ready to shock Zed and rubbed my hands, he quickly raised his arms and started stuttering.

"NO- NO! CHICK IS A WAY TO CALL SOMEONE PLEASE DON'T SHOCK ME I BEG YOU I WILL BECOME FRIED MEAT IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN" Zed grabbed a pillow and grabbed it if it was a shield, I shrugged and I made my stardust disappear and helped him get up.

"Be careful on what you say Zed" I smiled at him and he gulped.

Y/n pov:

"So.. your telling me you guys tried making popcorn but it burned?" I asked and A-li and A-spen nervously nodded making me chuckle.

"Here I'll help"I opened the microwave door and started searching for more popcorn bags.

"I wanna go first!" A-spen said I nodded and I gave one to A-li and A-spen.

"Alright now, A-spen just put the popcorn in the microwave" I sat on the counter and I saw how slowly they put the popcorn in position.

"Now press the button for 'popcorn' and you'll have to stop it when it shows 20 seconds left oh! you have to press the start button for it to start and press the same button for it to stop" I explained and A-spen slowly nodded following my steps. I looked at A-li and she was looking at everything we were doing and eating her cookies. We all waited for the popcorn to be ready and I saw A-spen looking at the timer without blinking, until they quickly stopped the popcorn and opened it.

"Y/n! I did it! I just did my first-ever popcorn!" A-li and I cheered for them.

A-li decided to do it alone and she did pretty great! We started eating popcorn and went to Zed's room where Zed and A-lan were studying, well mostly Zed. A-lan was just reading a comic book.

A-lan pov:

"Finally you girls decided to come! You took so long what were you doing?" Zed asked making me perk up and I saw Y/n with A-spen and A-li beside her eating something from a bag making me tilt my head.

"I was teaching them how to bake popcorn no big deal" Y/n put her hands up in defense and sat with me and placed her head on my shoulder making me smile.

"What are you reading?" Y/n asked and I looked at the cover.

"The amazing spiderman" I slowly read the cover and Y/n looked at the comic and hummed.

"Y/n how did you know that the aliens came even though they didn't even make any sounds" Zed asked making Y/n perk up and I looked at her with curiosity.

"It's wolf-senses I'm the only Lykensen who has that power" I smirked and I gave her a questioning look, everyone looked at her. 'Oh! She has spoder-senses like the guy from my comic!'.

"What do you mean by 'Powers'" A-li asked and raise her eyebrows, Y/n sighed.

"Every wolf has powers, Willa has 3 different powers, Wyatt has 3 and I have 3" Y/n explained and everyone made 'ooo' nice. 'Wait is my girlfriend spiderman? Since she has powers?' I thought about if for the whole time until A-li interrupted my thought.

"What are your powers?" A-li asked and Y/n's smirk grew wider.

"I can shapeshift, superspeed and I guess my wolf-sense" Everyone gasped and my eyes grew wider 'MY GIRLFRIEND CAN WHAT?'.

"Oo! I wanna see you shapeshift it sounds exciting" I closed the comic and placed it on Zed's desk and looked at Y/n carefully just incase if something bad happeneds.

Narrator pov:

Y/n suddenly disappeared making everyone look down and find a ragdoll cat sitting calmly.

"OH.MY.GOD" "What is that fluffy animal and why do I feel like it's calling me" "Y/N'S CAT FORM IS SO CUTE!" "Y/n why did she turn into a really fluffy creature" All of them had different response, A-lan petted the cat and it purred laying on A-lan's lap making everyone go 'awwww'.

"IT'S SO ADORABLE!" A-li yelled and A-spen nodded excitingly also getting up and petting the cat and they stayed like that until it was time for the National Cheer Competition.



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