[Chapter 5: Learning about Feelings]

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Narrator pov:
Zed, Eliza and Bozo were talking about Zed's rank and how he was 18th place because of the aliens.

Zed pov:
"Oowee, Zed, A-lan just obliterated your best times. He ran crop circles around you! Bench press records, blew yours away. high jump, he's a VFO Very Identifiable Flying Object!"  The coach said sounding like a fan girl, I saw A-lan and a group of students talking and hanging out.

"And He.Has.Six-packs.ABS" The coach exclaimed making me confused. 'What how in the world can a alien have abs' that question will be stuck in my head forever.

"I can get to eight coach just give me time!" A-lan joked making everyone laugh.

"And the best part? The laws of gravity do not apply to them!" The coach again, fangirled and pointed at him like if he was a shinning star.

"I'd be happy to dunk on you, Zed" A-lan stopped floating and laughed 'gosh when will the aliens leave especially him.'

"That'd be fun to see" Coach started chuckling while going downstairs making my mouth do a "O" shape.

"Well, there goes your chance now monsters will never get in" Eliza said making me sigh 'maybe she's right but I will do anything for the monsters, everyone's counting on me so I have to not give up'.

"Yes, being better than others is very enjoyable" A-lan said sounding very competitive, A-li and
A-spen came and listened to our conversation.

"Oh! I do not like this conflict" A-li sounded nervous looking if she's trying to change the conversation to a better one.

"Cannot wait to leave this discord." A-lan murmured making everyone nod.

"Yeah, okay, so then why don't you just go back to your own planet?" I sighed and looked at them but A-spen started frowning.

"Because it was destroyed, we don't have a home" She started crying and A-li looked at me disappointed. 'Think Zed for a solution... gosh this is the best time for Y/n to help me'. And it finally clicked!

Uh... I- I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I really am, you know, as tough as things have been for zombies, we've always had Zombietown, Is there anything I can do?" I tried to help and they all looked at me with a surprised face but it then turned into a smirk.

"You would help us?" A-spren asked and I nodded, then they signaled to follow them. I started  and left Bozo and Eliza do their classes.

"Hey uh Zed?" I heard A-lan ask while fidgeting with his bag thingy, I hummed signaling for him to continue.

"Can you help me with my feeling after.. this?" I got confused but still nodded 'maybe this would be an opportunity for me to become friends with the aliens!' I smiled at that thought and continued walking to the cafeteria. The aliens sat on the chairs and I just stood until I saw A-lan with a.. I have no clue.

"With our Luma Lenses, we probed all the minds of Seabrook" A-li explained making me feel shocked.

"Mind probes? Why would you do that?" I asked 'it's kinda weird for people to know what you're thinking, imagine if it's really really private information..'

"To learn about cheer, obviously. Cheer."
"To know more about Y/n- obviously. Cheer." A-lan had a very very different opinion about that making it more suspicious.

"Okay.. but what about people's privacy?I mean, you can't just scan people's-Hey, what is that?" I was looking at the mind probe and I saw someones point if vision of playing fencing, the werewolves? and.. MEMORIES OF A-LAN?

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