[Chapter 17: Never Ending Story]

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(Music needed)

A-lan pov:
I was laying in my bed looking at my bracelet and ring that me and Y/n have making me smile at the memories 'Not even an hour passed and I already miss her' I sighed until I heard a knock on my door making me sit up quickly and clear my throat.

"Come in!" I exclaimed and it was A-li 'I thought everyone was asleep' I thought, A-li entered my room and sat on my bed looking at me tilting her head.

"You already miss Y/n?" A-li asked and I slowly nodded placing my head on my hands making A-li groan.

"Not even an hour passed and you already miss her!" A-li scoff and I nodded, suddenly A-spen came into my room too and also took a seat.

"Addison already fell asleep and mothership is in auto-pilot" A-spen said and we stayed in a very uncomfortable silence, until suddenly we all heard a girl laughing? 'OH NO MY MINDPROBE I FORGOT TO TURN OFF THE VOLUME' A-spen and A-li quickly started searching for it like if it was a competition 'I'm so dead'. A-spen suddenly found it and looked at it, I groaned and again covered my face in embarrassment.

"Aww A-lan misses Y/n!" A-spen cooed and started looking at all the memories as same as A-li.

"A-lan did you really forget we could read your mind?" A-li scoffed and they all laughed at me so I decided to snatch my mind probe from them and place it on my hand.

"What do you guys want" They both looked at each other and shrugged.

"I don't know maybe we wanna spend time together and tease you" A-li pinched my cheek and
A-spend started laughing, I looked at her and she was still pinching it, I electrocuted her and she stopped and looked at me offended.

"I'M GONNA VAPORIZE YOU A-LAN I SWEAR TO MOTHERSHIP'S GRAVE" A-li shouted and tried to attack me but A-spen had to grab her 'HAH IDIOT... what does idiot mean? Y/n says it all the time so I have no clue but YEAH IDIOT!' I blew raspberries at her and she somehow escaped from A-spen's grasp and attacked me making me fall put of my bed.


Y/n pov:
I was sitting on my desk writing lyrics for I guess a song? I was supposed to be asleep but I can't since A-lan is stuck on my mind. I started mumbling the lyrics to have ideas.

"Love of my life.. you've hurt me" I sang and started bitting the top of my pen trying to think for more ideas until I felt something being hit at my head, making me quickly turn around and it was Wyatt with a bread on his mouth.

"I thought you were gonna catch it cause of you Y/n-tingle" Wyatt said with a muffled voice because he had a bread on his mouth 'Wait did he just call it Y/n-tingle? God that sounds weird'.

"Yeah but not for bread! And don't call it Y/n-tingle it sounds weird and disturbing" I said and rubbed my eyes, I saw Wyatt shrug and grab the bread from the floor.

"It was on the floor for.. I don't know how many seconds but I bet it was less then 10 seconds" He blew it and shoved it infront of my face making me slap it out of his hand and throw it out of the window, Wyatt had his jaw dropped making me chuckle. I continued trying to have ideas for the lyrics of my song, I saw Wyatt peak and try to read what I was writting until he grabbed my paper from the desk and read it.

"Woah thats some good lyrics Y/n, but stop overwhelming yourself about yOur LovE oF mY LiFe" Wyatt said in a mocking tone making me laugh and threw him my pillow also making him laugh.

"Hey! Anyways what are you doing here" I asked and placed my pen on my desk turning to look at him. He dramatically gasped and threw himself at my bed like if he got shot making me chuckle and layed next to him.

"I thought my little sister will want to hang out with me" He cooed and started tickling me making laugh uncontrollably.

"OKAY OKAY STOP" I yelled and tried to kick him off me and he laughed to and stopped, while I tried to recover my breath, I saw Wyatt going near my radio and trying to find something in a box where I put all my toys or disk from my childhood. I finally caught my breath and sat looking at Wyatt with curiosity. He took out a disk that I couldn't really see which one was it and place it on the radio until I heard 'Never Ending Story' playing, I rolled my eyes playfully and crossed my arms.

Music start

Wyatt quickly grabbed a hairbrush from Y/n's makeup desk and made a dramatic pose grabbing the hairbush as if it was a microphone

[Wyatt] Turn around
Look at what you see~
In her face
The mirror of your dreams..

Wyatt stood up on the small table Y/n had in her room and Wyatt shoved the hairbrush or.. I guess microphone infront of Y/n's face raising his eye brows, Y/n scoffed and smirked, she grabbed the microphone and joined in.

[Wyatt and Y/n] Make believe I'm everywhere
Given in the light
Written on the pages
Is the answer to a never ending story!!

Y/n jumped on the bed and they both started doing random dance moves.

[Wyatt and Y/n] Reach the stars
Fly a fantasy~!
Dream a dream
And what you see will beRhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon a rainbow
Is the answer to a never ending story


Narrator pov:
Both Y/n and Wyatt were tired of jumping and dancing so they both threw themselves to Y/n's bed and started laughing.

"Gosh what will I do without a big brother like you Wyatt" Y/n said and nudged his shoulder, he dramatically gasped and faked crying.

"My little sister just said something nice to me! They grow so fast" He wiped a tear from his eyes and ruffled her hair teasingly making Y/n kick him on the stomach with a pillow, Leaving both of them have a pillow fight. Y/n and Wyatt are an unstoppable duo, what will Y/n do without him.


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