[Chapter 15: We're Close To The End]

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Y/n pov:
I woke up rubbing my eyes and yawning, I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday night 'Alright all I remember is A-lan and me going to the top of the cave and I suddenly fell asleep, wait- so how am I on my bed?' I tilted my head until I got interrupted by Wynter kicking open my door making me yelp 'Do people even knock on doors anymore?'.

"OMG Y/N HURRY WE NEED TO GO AND SAY GOODBYE TO THE ALIENS" Wynter suddenly threw me a sandwich and landed on my face making me groan. Wynter wasn't even looking and she was searching for something in my closet, I grabbed the sandwich that landed on my face and ate it while looking at Wynter with curiosity.

"What are you searching for Wynter?" I asked with my mouth full and she started throwing everything until she stopped.

"WHERE IS MY JACKET?" She looked at me with her glowing eyes and snarling at me, I looked at her with wide eyes and signaled her to calm down. She shook her head and let out a small 'awoo' and threw me my beach ball directly at my face.

"I think you gave it to Willa so she can clean it" I said and threw my beach ball to god knows where. Wynter's eyes grew wider and covered her face with her hands and let out a groan. I raise my eye brow and she peaked and sighed.

"I met a guy from the forest and he gave me his number in a paper, he was really cool and stuff so now the paper it's gone, UGHHH STUPID WYNTER" She started slapping her self and hitting herself and I quickly grabbed both of her arms while my bread was on my mouth and I quickly ate it.

"Wynter, don't worry maybe you would find him in school and you will get his number again" I smiled and I noticed she got nervous and hesitantly nodded but I couldn't point it out so I just shrugged it off.
(A little hint about who can be Wynter's love interest is that he isn't an real character from Zombies)

"Uh guys Willa doesn't want to go yet she's feeling sad about the aliens taking Addison and she wants to go later" Wyatt suddenly came into my room and leaned on my wall. 'What type of miracle just happened, Willa is feeling sad about something? Gosh what a shock' I sighed and searched for other clothes to use since I slept with the clothes I used yesterday.

"To be honest I think everyone from Seabrook is gonna miss Addison, especially Zed" I muttered and Wynter and Wyatt sadly nodded.

"Well um, at least is for a good reason! The aliens can finally find their home! And besides that means no more singing and dancing in the worst moments" Wynter rolled her eyes playfully making all of us laugh. We suddenly heard Willa's footsteps coming near my room, she looked at Wyatt with a deathstare and he jokingly bowed and let her enter the room making all of us chuckle.

"Well look who decided to join us" I teasingly said and she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, we are supposed to be sad" She shook her head and we all smirked.

"So.. Willa can we go and see Addison for the last time and give her a beautiful farewell?" I  asked and Wyatt leaned his head on Willa's shoulder making her snarl at him and Wyatt put her hands in defense. I suddenly got a notification and I checked my phone, it was from Addi so I read it and scoffed.

"What happened?" Wynter asked trying to read the messages and poking her head.

"They're saying the alien ship is damaged It might not survive a launch" I sighed and Wynter placed her hand on my shoulder and looked at the ground sadly.

It's not totally our fault we just wanted to stop them from leaving" Wynter softly said and looked at my window and saw mothership.

"Well, serves them right for lying to us" Willa said making me let out a groan and cross my arms 'Didn't she apologize for being rude to them? But didn't we lie just to find the moonstone?'

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